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Microsoft 365 - Domain Administrator Access

Microsoft 365 domain administrators are UW NetID accounts which have administrative access to add, delete, and modify accounts in a Microsoft 365 domain (e.g.

Domain administration is controlled by a Manifest group. Each domain will have one Manifest group associated with it. Any member of this Manifest group will have the ability to administer the domain. By using Manifest to manage your group of domain administrators, you have control of the group members and can also use a single group for multiple domains or other non-Microsoft 365 purposes.

Domain administrators will be able to perform the following actions.

Instructions to use Manifest for Microsoft 365

  1. Log into the Wisc Account Administration site with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the desired domain you want to access from within the "Domains" listing.
  3. Select the Domain Properties menu item from the menu on the left.
  4. At the bottom of the Domain Properties page, there will be a listing of domain administrators. This listing will include the domain administrators Manifest group that has administrative rights over the domain. Make note of this group name to update the group members in the Manifest interface.
  5. Log into the Manifest administration interface and add/remove Manifest group members to provide/remove domain administration privileges.

Additional Notes on Using Manifest for Microsoft 365 Domains

  • Once the group has initially been granted administrative access to the Microsoft 365 domain, you may modify the members of your group without needing to contact the Microsoft 365 Service Administrators. All members of the group will automatically have domain admin access when they log into the Wisc Account Administration site with their NetID credentials.
  • If you want to add another Manifest group as an administrator over the domain, all you need to do is add it as a group member to the original Manifest group.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 manifest domains administer administrators administration administrative accessing adding delete deleting modifying accounts lists netids managingDoc ID28192
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2013-01-18 13:32:09Updated2023-12-11 15:00:42
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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