UW-Madison Zoom Workplace - Setting up calendar and contacts integration for the desktop client

You can set up calendar integration so that your Zoom meetings and webinars on your third-party calendar are synced to the Zoom desktop client. This provides an easy way to start or join your meetings. If a Zoom join link is not detected, the meeting will show the host information, but will also be listed as "Not a Zoom meeting" and not have a join button. Calendar integration is compatible with Google Calendar, Office 365, and Exchange. You can also sync your Zoom contacts with Google, Office 365, or Exchange, allowing you to call your contacts using Zoom if you have a Zoom Phone license. You can still sync your contacts without a Zoom Phone license, but you won't be able to call them using Zoom.

Configure your Office 365 calendar/contacts to sync with your Zoom client

  1. Go to https://uwmadison.zoom.us
  2. Click Sign in.
  3. If prompted, enter your NetID credentials.
  4. Go to your Profile.
  5. In the "Calendar and Contact Integration" section, click Connect to Calendar and Contact Service.
  6. Select Office 365 service to authorize accessing your account.
  7. Select “Authorize with OAuth 2.0”.
  8. Sign into your account via NetID credentials, if prompted.
  9. Click Allow on the permissions screen. 


  • After allowing access, you will be redirected back to the Zoom web portal which will indicate the permissions for the calendar and contacts integration.
  • After initially configuring the calendar integration, you will need to sign out of the desktop client and sign in again.

Additional resources:

Keywordssync office 365 o365Doc ID106691
OwnerZoom S.GroupZoom
Created2020-10-19 08:17:09Updated2024-08-15 12:14:33
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Zoom
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