Topics Map > Features and Functionality
Topics Map > Administrators

Microsoft 365 - Administrative Functions

The following document explains the administrative functions available in Office 365.

As an administrator, you will have the ability to administer accounts (if you have been granted to do so) within the Wisc Account Administration site. The table below contains a list of many administrative features/functions and how they are related to (and administered) Office 365. Some of the features/functions listed below will be available to users via Office 365 Outlook Web App and will not require administrative delegation.

Note: In some cases, a feature/function may need to be performed outside of Office 365 or the Wisc Account Administration site. In these situations, you may see a 'red minus' sign indicating a feature/function is not possible but the feature/function may simply be available in a location other than Office 365 and the Wisc Account Administration Site. In these cases, we will link to external references for more information.

Feature exists in O365 Feature Exists The feature is possible via Outlook on the web or the Wisc Account Administration Site
Not Necessary or Not Possible to Perform Task in O365 Not Necessary or Not Possible Feature cannot be (or shouldn't be) completed via Outlook on the web or the Wisc Account Administration Site
Feature Under Evaluation Feature Under Evaluation Office 365 Team is still determining whether feature can/should be implemented
Under Construction Under Construction Feature/Function is possible in Outlook on the web or the Wisc Account Administration Site, but is still being built/documented

NetID Account Self - Wisc Account Admin Administrator - Wisc Account Admin Self - Outlook on the web Delegate - Outlook on the web

Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link
Request/Approve Delegated Admin Feature exists in O365. 36568 Feature exists in O365. 34822 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
View Linked Accounts Feature exists in O365. 35951 Feature Under Evaluation. Feature Under Evaluation Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
View/Manage Email Addresses (Alternate Addresses) Feature exists in O365. 42854 Feature exists in O365. 42854 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Choose Primary Address Feature exists in O365. 40005 Feature exists in O365. 40005 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Hide/Show From Global Address List Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 44393 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Manage Filters Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 32586 Feature exists in O365. 32586
Manage Vacation Message Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 32606 Feature exists in O365. 32606
Set Forwarding Address Feature exists in O365. 36539 Feature exists in O365. 36539 Feature exists in O365. 36539 Feature exists in O365. 36539
Change Display Name Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 34475 Feature exists in O365. 34475
View Quota Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 36540 Feature exists in O365. 36540
Manage Mailbox Permissions (Full|Send as|Send on behalf) Feature exists in O365 38816 Feature exists in O365 38816 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary
Set Folder Expiration Rules Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary
Reset Password Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 20589 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Allowed Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Update Quota Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 27922 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 27922 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 27922 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. 27922

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Service Account Self - Wisc Account Admin Administrator - Wisc Account Admin Self - Outlook on the web Delegate - Outlook on the web

Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link Yes/No Status/Link
View Linked Accounts Feature exists in O365. 39320 Feature exists in O365. 39320 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
View/Manage Email Addresses (Alternate Addresses) Feature exists in O365. 42854 Feature exists in O365. 42854 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Choose Primary Address Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Allowed Feature exists in O365. 40005 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Hide/Show from Global Address List Not Allowed to Perform Task in O365. Not Allowed Feature exists in O365. 37206 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Manage Filters Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 32586 Feature exists in O365. 32586
Manage Vacation Message Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 32606 Feature exists in O365. 32606
Set Forwarding Address Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 41864 Feature exists in O365. 36539 Feature exists in O365. 36539
Change Display Name Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 41864 Feature exists in O365. 34475 Feature exists in O365. 34475
View Quota Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Feature exists in O365. 36540 Feature exists in O365. 36540
Manage Full Mailbox Permissions (Delegate|Send as) Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Allowed Feature exists in O365. 38816 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Set Folder Expiration Rules Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Necessary
Reset Password Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Allowed Feature exists in O365. 46699 Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible
Request Alternate Addresses Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Possible Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible Not Possible to Perform Task in O365. Not Possible

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Feature/Function Yes/No Link/Status
Administering Domains
View accounts in a domain Feature exists in O365. 81612
Create alternate address account Feature exists in O365. 42854
Create/edit resource account Feature exists in O365. 38371
Create/edit service account Feature exists in O365. 41864
Manage Full Mailbox, Send As, and Send on Behalf of Permissions Feature exists in O365 38816
Show or Hide Service Account within Global Address List (GAL) Feature exists in O365 37206
Reset Service Account Password Feature exists in O365 46699
Change your Primary Address Feature exists in O365 40005
Domain report Feature exists in O365. 66825
Add domain administrator Feature exists in O365 28192
View Quota Feature exists in O365. 36540
Delegated O365 Service Features
Enable Archive Mailbox Feature Under Evaluation. Feature Under Evaluation
Assign or remove licenses Feature Under Evaluation. Feature Under Evaluation
Remote wipe ActiveSync/Exchange device(s) Feature exists in O365. 42369

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 administer accounts functions administration delegated delegation tools delegates administrators netids service account passwords resources calendars features rights add access waa wisc account administering domainDoc ID33374
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2013-09-15 09:20:39Updated2023-02-02 09:22:52
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin
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