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Microsoft 365 - Request a Resource

There are times when it is better to have a unique calendar account created instead of creating a calendar within your own personal Office 365 account. A resource account is created/deleted by an administrator. You also have the ability to control/manage many additional calendar features which do not exist for personal calendars.

This document will explain the process for requesting a resource calendar within Office 365.

Important: Only domain administrators can create resource calendars. You will need to make a request to create a resource. Domain administrators will be able to create the resource using the process outlined here: Microsoft 365 - Create, edit, or delete a Resource Account.

Note: If you do not know who your domain administrator is, contact the DoIT Help Desk, or if you are not affiliated with a domain, you may request an resource by filling out the mailplus request account form.

Provide your domain administrator with the following information:

Resource Name Official campus resource naming convention:
  • Rooms: {Org}-{Bldg Abrv}-{Room#}-{Type} - Example: DCS-21NPark-7221-Conf
  • Equipment: {Org}-{Res Type}-{Seq#} - Example: DCS-Laptop-01
  • Vacation: {Org}-{Dept}-{Res Type}-{Seq#} - Example: DoIT-DS-Vacation
Owner Email This is primary owner of the resource. They will be granted full mailbox permissions to the resource.
Description A description of the purpose of the resource.
Type Two types exist:
  • Room: select this option if the resource is a room
  • Equipment: select this option if the resource is a any equipment, vacation calendar, project calendar, etc.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 calendaring calendars events appointments agenda tasks schedules accounts add name new room equipment vacation conference meeting room audio-visualDoc ID42429
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2014-08-01 10:58:21Updated2023-02-02 09:22:54
SitesDoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin
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