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Microsoft 365 - View Junk Mail Filters

Use the instructions below to view junk mail filters settings configured for an account.

Important: This action will only allow you to view the Junk Mail Filter settings for the account configured at the account (server) level. If you have Junk Mail Filters created within a client which is not stored on the Office 365 server, they will not appear within this view. You must view those filters using the client which created them. Manage/Edit these settings.

  1. Log in to the Wisc Account Administration site.
  2. Select or search for the account you want to manage. If you do not see the account you want to manage or are placed into your NetID account, review the following document: Wisc Account Administration site - Logging in.
  3. Click on the "Office 365" tab in the left-hand column. It will be expanded.
  4. Click the Junk Mail Filters option. The settings will be displayed - depending on the amount of filters within the account, it may take some time to retrieve the data.

You will see the following (example):

Junk Mail Filters Enabled/Disabled
Safe Senders listing of all safe senders
Blocked Senders Count # of blocked senders *
Blocked Senders listing of all blocked senders
Trust Email From Contacts True/False
Only Trust Email From List True/False

* Important - Microsoft does not intend for the Blocked Senders list to house hundreds of addresses, and it is recommended that you keep the list as small as possible, only blocking senders you believe are likely to send again using that address. Limit details.

Other resources

Manage your block senders

microsoft office365 365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 blocked allow safe senders recipients blocked trusted lists emails spam phishing
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