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Microsoft 365 (Windows/MacOS) - How are Office applications (Outlook/Word/Team, etc.) authenticated/configured?

This document describes how to capture/view the authentication/configuration of an Office application. The instructions are unique to certain Office applications, but in most cases, the steps should be similar to other applications - more steps coming soon.

Windows OS

  •  View authenticated account

      1. Start Outlook. If Outlook cannot be started, use Word or Excel.
      2. Go to File menu, click Office Account or Account.
      3. Under User Information, you'll see the authenticated account.
        office account information screen
      4. Click left arrow to return to Outlook.

        Important: If you are not signed in with your account or you see any errors within this screen, follow steps outlined within Incorrect Authenticated Account or Connected Services article to resolve this issue before continuing.

      5. Restart all Office applications.

  •  View configured account(s)

      1. Start Outlook.
      2. Go to File menu, click Info.
      3. Within Account Information screen, click Account Settings and select Account Settings.
      4. Within Account Settings screen, make sure Email tab is selected.
        account settings screen
      5. Click Close to return to Outlook.

Mac OS

  •  View authenticated account

      1. Start Word.
      2. On the start page, click on the account logo located at the top left of the window.
      3. You will be presented with an information screen showing the account you are authenticated in with.
        authenticated account information

        Important: If you are not signed in with your account or you see any errors within this screen, follow steps outlined within Incorrect Authenticated Account or Connected Services article to resolve this issue before continuing.

      4. Restart all Office applications.

  •  View configured account(s)

      1. Start Outlook.
      2. Go to Tools menu, click Accounts....
      3. The configured account(s) will be listed.
      4. Click Red X to return to Outlook.

Keywordsmicrosoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 for macOS windows version use how office outlook configuration authenticate authentication authenticated configured setup profiles settings accounts service netid email addresses screenshot screen shot required desktop clientDoc ID93092
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2019-07-11 14:43:54Updated2024-02-14 08:55:01
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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