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Tableau Server Test Procedure


    Due Date

When upgrading the server, first dev environment is upgraded. We then need to go into dev and test our workbooks to ensure they function properly on the new version.


AE copies content on our Production environment to our Dev environment. Then they upgrade Dev to new version, so we can test that our workbooks function properly before we upgrade the ‘real thing’ (Production).  

  1. Production = (we use this for the majority of our work in the Staging, Templates and UW Madison Institutional Data folders)
  2. Development = (we only use this to test upgrades)

Test your own workbooks in the Dev server ( to make sure they work properly in the new version environment by testing due date. If you need more time, let DAPIR know.
If you do not have any workbooks published in the UW Madison Institutional Data folder, you do not need to test.

What to look for

Test your main content in the UW Madison Institutional Data folder of

Errors to look for include:

  •            Reduced functionality
  •            Missing features
  •            Changed formatting
  •            Mismatching data

Two ways to test

Check one internet browser on top of another

  •             Go to (old version) and open one of your workbooks in Production
  •             In a 2nd tab, go to (new version) and open the same workbook  
  •             Toggle back and forth between tabs. Dig further into anything that “jumps” out, such as graphics or numbers, as there could be a discrepancy.
  •             Select options in each filter and check that content matches
  •             Click on links and navigation on each dashboard
  •             Check that all content appears, and nothing is missing

Prod vs Dev server

Or, Check Side-by-Side

  •         Test old version ( and new version ( side-by-side
  •         Select options in each filter and check that content matches
  •         Click on all links and navigation
  •         Check each dashboard
  •         Check that all content appears, and nothing is missing

side by side dev vs prod

How to report errors

Email Be sure to include the link to that workbook. Please do not take any action other than testing and reporting error.

Due Date

Please check content by the due date in email sent.

Looking Ahead

AE Business Solutions plans to upgrade our Production server to new version on upgrade date. If testing reveals issues that date may be pushed so that issues can be resolved.

You will be notified when you can upgrade Tableau desktop version to the new version. 

Some ideas on what to test

This is a comprehensive suggested list of test cases. Not all of them might apply to you. Please feel free to test additional features and send other ideas to

Areas of testing
Area of testing To be tested
Colors Chart colors
Border colors
Font colors
Fonts Sizes and types
Word wrap
Data Table calculations
Calculated fields
Any missing piece of data
Embedded credentials
Tooltip Is showing/hiding as expected
Look and feel and color isn't changed
Images And Links Images are positioned as expected
Alternative texts are still present
Links are working
Filters Only relevant
Apply button
If sorted
URL Can it be reached without being logged in
If possible, check embedded URLs
Can it be reached through different browsers
Publish Does it connect to the server
Does it publish without any issues
Does the publish actually save
Does publish affect any permissions
Extract Refresh the extract manually
Check the scheduled extract run after publishing
Start Page Please check the look and feel of the landing page when you first enter the server. Check both views: Grid view and List view

A copy of this list can be downloaded here:

Tableau, Server, Test 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Noah L. in Data KB
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research