Topics Map > Tableau
Review a Tableau Workbook Checklist (for Developers)
- Use generic names
- Make sure functional area is set
- See if the URL set properly
- Do not check the checkbox for exclusion from portal
- Look at the definitions (make sure the ones you added actually saved)
- Do not check the checkbox for exclusion from portal
- If a workbook has a non-public classification, the Request URL should be set to either an email address or
- Make sure a descriptive comment as to what is changed is included
Home page
- Check Links on: navigation icons, i icon, ? icon, the classification icon, UW-Madison logo and any hyperlink on the page (please see appendix for more information on links)
- Check the format of navigation panel (please see appendix on specs)
- Does classification icon match data restriction level specified in cookbook
- Do footer components have proper format and information
- Proper font for title and description
- Are links set up properly (please see appendix for more information on links)
- Make sure the information and help icons looks correct (please see appendix for more information on ‘i’ and ‘?’ icons)
- Check the footer’s format and make sure the correct email is set
- Check the classification icon
- Check the filter panel: border, orientation, action title, if cascading: shaded and only relevant data selected, if non-cascading: non-shaded and relevant data not selected (please refer to appendix for more on filters)
- Check the definitions (for example, make sure there is a definition linked in cookbook specification for title of columns and title of filters if needed).
- College/school names need to follow the proper format (please refer to appendix for acceptable formats)
- Make sure nothing is clicked or selected in the workbook when uploading to the server
- Overall look and feel should be visually appealing and intuitive to use
- Make sure to upload into the Staging for review
- Check color contrast
- Check that all images have alternative text
Navigation panel (home page)
What’s Inside - Title
- Vertical container, shaded color #c5050c, second thickest solid border color #c5050c
- What’s Inside title 18pt Tableau Regular font, white
- Left aligned directly under workbook title, fixed height, w387
What’s Inside - Dashboard Navigation
- Vertical container containing 11 additional containers. Each of the 11 containers contains a navigation button and navigation text.
- Second thickest solid border color #c5050c
Navigation buttons:
- Red arrow buttons in container navigate to the corresponding dashboard
- w39, h39; Outer padding 6
- Hover text is “Click to go to this page”
- (Note: Arrows may seem disproportionately smaller in Tableau Desktop but they do appear normally when viewed in the Tableau server.)
Navigation text:
- Dashboard name worksheets in order from top to bottom of container, fit to width
- Dashboard names 15pt, font color #333333
- w348, h39; Outer padding 4
- Technical Notes text is 2nd to bottom
- Tips on Using Tableau is final/bottom in the container
Navigation Icons
Technical notes (i) icon
Tips on using Tableau (?) icon
Data classification icons:

UW-Madison log:

Should navigate to:
General considerations
Filters should be located on the left side of dashboards that are landscape and on the top of dashboards that are portrait. The width of the filters container (on landscape visualizations), or height of the filters container (on portrait visualizations) may be reduced where filter names allow, but must be the same across all dashboards of a single workbook.
Group multiple filters together in a layout container.
- If filters have a cascading effect (chained interactivity):
- Use #b4b4b4 color second thinnest solid border around layout container
- Fill layout container with 33% #b4b4b4 color
- Select “only relevant values”
- Structure from top to bottom in landscape, left to right in portrait, for example, school/college, department, course, etc.
- If filters do not have a cascading effect (no chained interactivity):
- Use #b4b4b4 color second thinnest solid border around layout container
- Do not fill background color
- Do not select “only relevant values”
Parameters are considered the same as non-cascading filters and should be grouped together with them.
All filters should have a title with a clear purpose; none should be “value” or “measure”.
Minimize the number of quick filters.
When possible, use dashboard filter actions (select “use as filter”).
If dashboard rendering performance is slow, limit enumerated filters.
Enumerated cards require tableau to query all fields before the card can be rendered.
Multiple value list, single value list, compact list, slider, measure filters, ranged date filters.
Use non-enumerated filter cards to increase performance.
Consider using custom value list, wildcard match, relative date filters.
Cascading filters example:

Non-cascading filters and parameters example:

Information and Help Icons
Information Icon
- Black filled circle with white “i”
- w45 h54, fixed width
- Fit entire view
- Links to Cookbook technical notes about the visualization and underlying data
Help Icon
- Black filled circle with white “?”
- w45 h54, fixed width
- Fit entire view
- Links to PDF with basic instructions on using a Tableau visualization, available at
Acceptable School/College Names
DIVISION_DESCR (30 character) |
DIVISION_SHORT_DESCR (10 character) |
All Spelled out |
Spelled out but no School/College/Division/Institute |
Col of Agricultural & Life Sci |
Ag&LifeSci |
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences |
Agricultural & Life Sciences |
Officer Education |
Officer Ed |
Officer Education |
Officer Education |
School of Business |
Business |
School of Business |
Business |
Division of Continuing Studies |
Contg St |
Division of Continuing Studies |
Continuing Studies |
School of Education |
Education |
School of Education |
Education |
College of Engineering |
Engineer |
College of Engineering |
Engineering |
Graduate School |
Grad Sch |
Graduate School |
Graduate School |
School of Human Ecology |
Hum Ecol |
School of Human Ecology |
Human Ecology |
Institute for Environmental St |
Envir St |
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies |
Environmental Studies |
L&S |
College of Letters and Science |
L&S |
College of Letters and Science |
Letters and Science |
Law School |
Law School |
Law School |
Law |
School of Med & Public Health |
Med School |
School of Medicine and Public Health |
Medicine and Public Health |
School of Nursing |
Nur School |
School of Nursing |
Nursing |
School of Pharmacy |
Pharmacy |
School of Pharmacy |
Pharmacy |
School of Veterinary Medicine |
Vet Med |
School of Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Medicine |