Database Management - Changing the Oracle Database Password (includes EPM and WISER)

Here are two methods for changing or resetting the password for an Oracle database. You will need to know the existing password.

Method 1: Using SQL*Plus (command line tool)

  1. Launch SQL*Plus. Note: be sure you're not actively connected to the database for which you're attempting to change credentials for.
  2. In the command line, enter sqlplus user@database, where user is your user ID, and database is the specific database you are connecting to (e.g., DWHP, EPM)
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. Once you have connected to the database type the word “password” (no quotes)  & hit enter.
  5. Enter your current (soon to be old) password at the “Old password:” prompt & hit enter.
  6. Enter your new password (scroll further down to see the minimum requirements!)  at the “New password:” prompt & hit enter. Please note that if the password starts with anything OTHER than a letter from the alphabet, you must enclose the password in double quotes. 
  7. Enter your new password again at the “Retype new password:” prompt & hit enter.
  8. You should see, after a second or two, the “Password changed” confirmation.

Method 2: Using Oracle SQL Developer (graphical user interface)

  1. In SQL Developer, right-click on the database name
  2. Click on Reset Password
  3. In the pop up window, enter your Current Password, then enter your New Password and Confirm Password

Hints and Tips

  • you may need to use all 4 requirements: upper case, lower case, numeral and punctuation
  • if you use special characters, try using: # or @

If the above methods do not work ...

EPM Password Resets

Please email if you cannot reset your password using either method.

WISER / SFMRT Password Changes

SFMRT Oracle passwords can also be reset by logging onto the WISER web application (, clicking your name in the upper right and navigating to Settings > Datamart > Change Password. Every WISER user is assigned an SFMRT database account and vice versa.

If you have an issue with changing your password in WISER, please contact

Password policy and information

UW System Password Guidelines

The requirements are:

  1. Password length must be between 16-30 characters
  2. Must contain 3 of the following 4 requirements:
    • capital letter
    • lower case letter
    • number
    • or special character (~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = | [ ] { } ? < >)
  3. Cannot have been used as one of your last 99 passwords
  4. May not contain your user ID

The UWSA password guidelines can be found on the UWSA Password Self-Service web page found here: here

UW System Administrative Procedure 1030.A Information

This webpage contains in-depth information on the authentication methods used to secure the systems covered by the UW System information security policies.

Information Security: Authentication

Keywordsepm oracle resetting updating update db interactive reporting sqlplus requirements   Doc ID82152
OwnerDana G.GroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2018-05-08 15:46:54Updated2024-08-14 14:50:08
SitesData, Academic Planning & Institutional Research, DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Help Desk Level 2 KCS
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