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Pivot Tables: Refresh Data in Excel

After creating Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel, users of UW-Madison’s Institutional Tableau workbooks may need to make changes to the data source tab in Excel. This KB article explains how to refresh pivot tables in Excel.

Refresh Data in Pivot Tables

Changes, additions or deletions you make to the data source tab in Excel do NOT automatically appear in Pivot Tables. Follow these instructions to manually refresh Pivot Tables after every change.

  1. Click once on any cell in the pivot table. This opens the Analyze and Design tabs at the top.

  2. Select Analyze and then Refresh.


Note: If you created a regular Table on your data source tab (as instructed in Using Exported Data in Excel), then rows/columns that you add or delete should be incorporated when you refresh. If you did not create a Table first, do this to adjust your Table Range:

  1. Click once on any cell in the pivot table to open the Analyze and Design tabs at the top.

  2. Select the Analyze tab.

  3. Select Change Data Source.

    Change Data Range
  4. Edit the cell range to include all data on the source tab.

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Tableau Workbook Dashboard IDE Export Exported Output Excel Download Downloaded Pivot Table Tables Drag Tab Refresh Manually 
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Noah L. in Data KB
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research