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Creating a New Definition in Data Cookbook

This document details how to create a new definition in Data Cookbook.

Creating New Definitions:

Two ways to start the process:

From Specification's Definition tab

From Specification module, click the "Definitions" tab from top tabbed menu. On the "Definitions" section, scroll to the bottom and click the hyperlinked "create a new definition":

Definition from specification

This should bring up the "Create Definition" page.

From Cookbook new Definition module

Go to Data Cookbook:

From the top menu, hover over "Definitions", then from the menu, choose "Create a Definition":

New Definition

Create Definition page

In the "Create Definition" page, the minimum you need to fill in is:

  • Name: Pick a proper name for the definition
  • Functional Definition: The descriptive definition of the
  • Functional Area: These are the domains
  • Make sure to "Save" the definition

Create Definition Window

This will start the review process:
  • It puts it in "Drafting" status
  • If any edits are needed, they can be done by clicking the "Edit" button
  • Add comments if needed
  • Click the "Send to Data Governance" button
It will be reviewed and approved and activated by the Sub-Committee. 
Here is the workflow for definitions review:
Definitions review workflow
If this is a new definition that is going to be used for a specification, you do not have to wait for the definition to be approved before you add it to specification and run the specification review process. 

KeywordsData, Cookbook, Definition   Doc ID117575
OwnerMehrnaz A.GroupData KB
Created2022-03-24 11:19:09Updated2022-12-06 12:43:49
SitesData, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
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