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Creating a New Definition in Data Cookbook

This document details how to create a new definition in Data Cookbook.

Creating New Definitions:

Two ways to start the process:

From Specification's Definition tab

From Specification module, click the "Definitions" tab from top tabbed menu. On the "Definitions" section, scroll to the bottom and click the hyperlinked "create a new definition":

Definition from specification

This should bring up the "Create Definition" page.

From Cookbook new Definition module

Go to Data Cookbook:

From the top menu, hover over "Definitions", then from the menu, choose "Create a Definition":

New Definition

Create Definition page

In the "Create Definition" page, the minimum you need to fill in is:

  • Name: Pick a proper name for the definition
  • Functional Definition: The descriptive definition of the
  • Functional Area: These are the domains
  • Make sure to "Save" the definition

Create Definition Window

This will start the review process:
  • It puts it in "Drafting" status
  • If any edits are needed, they can be done by clicking the "Edit" button
  • Add comments if needed
  • Click the "Send to Data Governance" button
It will be reviewed and approved and activated by the Sub-Committee. 
Here is the workflow for definitions review:
Definitions review workflow
If this is a new definition that is going to be used for a specification, you do not have to wait for the definition to be approved before you add it to specification and run the specification review process. 

Data, Cookbook, Definition 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Jessica L. in Data KB
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research