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Facilities-General Facilities Policies

School of Music facilities policies

School of Music facilities are maintained strictly for the use of music majors and non-music majors who are enrolled in courses offered by the school. The school’s administration and campus security have the responsibility and legal right to ask persons violating these rules to vacate the space being used.

State law and University Statutes prohibit the use of state facilities, including all music buildings, for the production of private income. Practice rooms and studios are not to be used for private teaching of vocal or instrumental music. If such activity is observed, it should be reported to Ben Bell Bern, music operations manager, at


  1. Use of all rooms must be reserved through facilities. Students reserving classrooms and rehearsal rooms must have paid practice room access. The person submitting a reservation must be the one using the room. For the security and safety of both students and property, any room not in use must be closed and locked. Report any vacant unlocked rooms or spaces to the facilities office immediately. Failure to properly secure spaces after use will result in the actions below.

  2. Students must clean the practice rooms EVERY time they use it, making sure to wipe the stand, bench, piano keyboard (if open) and music rack, and door knobs. Cleaning supplies will be available at the key desk and in the practice room area. If the piano is not used, the keyboard lid must be left shut. Your room must be left in neat condition for the next occupant, regardless of the condition in which it was found. No food or drink (except water) is allowed in the practice or rehearsal rooms. If a practice room or rehearsal room is found in sub-standard condition, you must leave it up to standard. Notify the key desk monitor of any improprieties.

  3. Students may be away from their practice rooms for a maximum of 15 minutes. When students are attending classes, lessons, rehearsals, or meals, keys must be returned to the Key Desk in Room 1621 so that others may use the practice rooms. No key should ever leave the building. Lost keys will incur a replacement fee of $100.

  4. When not scheduled for classes, classrooms may be scheduled for small ensemble or sectional rehearsals. All participants in small groups must have paid for rehearsal room access individually or as part of a facilities package. This is not a substitute for practice rooms, i.e. not for individual practicing. Classrooms may NOT be checked out just for having a larger practice space. The only exception to this rule is for a rehearsal WITH a faculty member and/or accompanist as specific recital/jury/performance preparation. Use of the 2500 classrooms is restricted to after business hours. General assignment classrooms are NOT to be used for practice at any time. The GA rooms are under the management of Campus Events Services (262-2511).

Failure to adhere to these policies will result in the following action:

  1. First offense: You will receive a verbal warning and/or written note from the Facilities Office.

  2. Second offense: Your practice room access will be revoked for seven days, and your major professor will be notified of the issue. The seven-day suspension will not be applied during breaks: semester break, spring break, summer break.

  3. Third offense: Your practice room access will be revoked indefinitely and will not be reinstated until you meet with the director of the School of Music regarding the issue.

  4. Fourth offense: Your practice room access will be revoked for the remainder of the term without refund.

Keywordsfacilities policies   Doc ID109347
OwnerBen B.GroupMead Witter School of Music
Created2021-02-24 11:09:02Updated2024-01-30 17:53:40
SitesMead Witter School of Music
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