Topics Map > Facilities

Piano Use Policies

Here you will find information on piano use and moving policies and requests for piano tuning and maintenance. There are 160+ pianos and two piano technicians, all the pianos are tuned and serviced on a priority rotation. Performance pianos are top priority and are tuned and serviced frequently. Concert-prepped grand pianos are in each of the performance venues: Mead Witter Concert Hall, Collins Recital Hall.

Piano Handling/Moving in Recital/Concert Halls

A minimum of two people is required to move a concert piano on and off stage except for piano technician and other authorized faculty/staff members.

Pianos must be covered with padded/thick cover during moving.

Do not put cover on floor.

Where applicable, lock casters when opening and closing lid. Two newer concert pianos have friction free casters. OPENING AND CLOSING LID WITHOUT LOCKING CASTERS MAY CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY AND PIANO DAMAGE.

Piano Use Policy for Practice Rooms, Classrooms, and Rehearsal Spaces

All pianos in the MWSOM are intended only for the use of faculty, staff, and currently registered students.

Help keep the pianos clean. Wash hands and avoid hand lotion when using a piano.

Never leave trash near or inside a piano. Put all trash or recycling in appropriate containers.

Pianos are expensive to repair. Please help minimize these expenses by proper piano use and care to ensure that you and your colleagues have nice pianos to use.

General Rules

All pianos must be covered after each use and while being moved on and off stage.

When not using a piano cover, neatly fold it and set it on a chair or a table. Never put it on the floor.

No food or drinks, including those in closed containers, are permitted anywhere near/on the pianos.

Pianos are NOT tables.  Do not put anything on top of the piano lids, such as bags, instrument cases, coats, and food or drink containers.

Piano Use Policy for “Prepared Piano”

Extended techniques are accommodated only on a designated piano after consultation with the piano shop. Please read “Protocol for Extended Techniques Piano Performance” before reaching Piano Shop.

Piano Service Request

Each practice room has a Piano Repair Request Form.  When you encounter a piano problem, please fill in the form as much as you can to help piano technicians to schedule a repair quickly. Piano service requests can be also sent to UW Piano Shop via email at

UW Piano Shop
Rm. 1501 Humanities Building


Keywordspiano, piano use, piano moving, piano tuning, piano maintenance facilities   Doc ID116275
OwnerBen B.GroupMead Witter School of Music
Created2022-01-25 13:46:47Updated2024-09-05 08:54:57
SitesMead Witter School of Music
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