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MyUW - Using the Courses App

ATTENTION: Courses App will be sunset on December 5, 2024. Functionality of the Courses App can be found in Course Schedule and Course Search & Enroll. Please provide feedback using this form:

Accessing the Application

The following instructions describe how to access and use the Courses app.

    1. Log into MyUW with your NetID credentials.
    2. Find the Courses app on your homepage or search for "Courses" in the search bar.
    3. Click Launch full app.
Find the Courses app via search in MyUW and launch to use

Using the Application

The Courses app allows access to the following, shown on the left-hand menu. See below for descriptions of each.

  • Courses
  • Course Materials List
  • Course Schedule
  • Course History
  • Help
Visual of menu on the left side off the app.  


The Courses screen is the application’s home screen. It shows all courses in which you're currently enrolled. You can do the following on this screen:

View Courses for a Different Term

By default, courses for the current academic term are displayed. To view courses for a different term, use the Select term drop-down list on the upper right side of the screen.

Select a new term using the drop-down box.

View Additional Course Details

To view additional details about the course, such as classroom location, notes from the instructor, course description, and more, click the Course info link within a course box. A secondary window will display the additional information; to close the secondary window, click the Close course info link (X) in the upper right-hand side of the window. Secondary information you’ll be able to see about that particular course includes:

  • Course description
  • An associated Canvas site, if one has been activated by your instructor
  • Class meeting time(s) and location(s)
  • Final exam date, time, and location
  • Additional course materials, including textbooks

Access a Course Canvas Site

To access the Canvas site for the course, click the Canvas site link. You can also access the Canvas course site from the Course info window.

Note: you will not see the Canvas site link unless your instructor has published your course in Canvas.

Instructions for accessing Canvas sites for courses without using the Courses app are found here:

Course Materials List

To view a list of all materials including textbooks needed for your courses, click Course Materials List on the app menu. A list of all of your materials, grouped by academic term, will be displayed. You can expand and collapse each academic term list by clicking on the term name.

Instructions for additional ways to view textbook information are found here: 

Course History

To view a listing of all of your past courses, click Course History on the app menu. This displays a static list of your completed courses here at UW-Madison. The tool will not display courses that were completed for credit at other institutions.

Instructions for additional ways to view your Course History are found here: 

Course Schedule

To view schedule information for your courses, click Course Schedule on the app menu. This will launch the Course Schedule app, which displays detailed schedule information for each of your courses, such as meeting times, meeting locations, and exam schedules.

Additional details for finding Course and Exam Schedules can be found in the following KBs:


If you need help using the Courses app, click Help on the app menu. Contact the DoIT Help Desk for questions, technical issues, comments, or suggestions.

myuw, app, module, courses, canvas, textbooks, schedule, history, course, textbook, classroom, materials, application, learn@UW, Canvas, class 
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Owned by:
Stephanie J. in MyUW- Madison Academic Applications Development
DoIT Help Desk, My UW-Madison Portal, MyUW-Madison Academic Applications Development, Teaching & Research Application Development