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MyUW Madison - Retention Times of Statements/Reports in MyUW

MyUW Madison provides access to several HRS statements including earning, benefit, tax, leave, and more.
All of these statements have specific retention times which determine how long they will be accessible in the portal.

This article displays the different statements/reports in MyUW and their retention times. If the retention time of a document has not passed but you are no longer eligible to access a statement/report in MyUW, please see Former Employees - Accessing Earning, Leave, Tax, and Benefit Statements.

Benefit Statements 

The following statements have a retention time of 5 years. 

  • ETF
  • UW Staff Benefit
  • Benefit Enrollment Confirmations forms
  • Benefit Enrollment Confirmation forms for new hires 

Tax Statements

The following statements have a retention time of 4 years. 

  • 1042 S
  • 1095C
  • Fellowship Letter 
  • W2

Earning Statements

Retention time of 4 years. 

Leave Report 

Retention time of 3 years. 

Classified Sabbatical Report

Retention time of 1 year.

Missing Report

Retention time of 29 days.

work record, my uw, statements, tax, earning, benefit, W2, retention, 1042S, fellowship letter, leave report, missing report, sabbatical report, 1095C, W2C, benefit enrollment confirmation forms, benefit enrollment confirmation forms for new hires missing can't find where is 
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Amanda M. in MyUW Madison
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