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NIPP Chapter 8: Center for Climatic Research

This document outlines Chapter 8 of the Nelson Institute Policies and Procedures (NIPP) as approved by the Governance Committee on April 19, 2021 and modified on March 20, 2023.


The Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research (CCR) is a unit of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and operates in cooperation with the other University of Wisconsin-Madison divisions and departments. All CCR Core Members are required to become affiliates of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. 


  1. The CCR director reports to the Dean of the Nelson Institute.
  2. The position of director is open to all CCR core members who are faculty (tenured, tenure track, or research) or scientists (NIPP 8.03.). 
  3. The Director will normally serve three consecutive one-year terms (July 1-June 30), up to a maximum of six consecutive years.
  4. In March prior to the end of the incumbent Director’s term, the incumbent CCR Director will request nominations from CCR core members for names to be placed on the ballot. Election is based on a plurality of all core members and approval by the Nelson Institute Dean. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held for the candidates receiving the most votes. If a tie remains after a run-off election, then the Nelson Institute Dean will break the tie. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot (but may be done electronically) and tabulated by the center administrator.
  5. The CCR Director may appoint a core member to serve as the Associate Director, who will fulfill the duties of the Director when the Director is unavailable.
  6. The CCR Director may appoint a CCR Core Member to represent CCR on the Nelson Institute Executive Committee (NIPP 5.04). This individual must be eligible to serve on the Nelson Institute Executive Committee, as outlined in NIPP Section 5.04.


CCR core members are those PIs who either have a currently active research grant through CCR or who have routed a proposal through CCR in the last five years. CCR core members can also be those Co-PIs who either have a currently active research grant through CCR or who have routed a proposal through CCR in the last three years; Co-PIs must be actively engaged in CCR activities and must be approved by the CCR core members. CCR core members must be drawn from current CCR affiliates (NIPP 8.04.). CCR core members can include faculty, scientists, and researchers.


CCR affiliates are faculty and scientists at UW-Madison who participate actively in CCR research and education activities. CCR affiliates can also be those with an interest in our climate-related activities and who could be valuable collaborators or affiliates to have on board. CCR affiliates are nominated either by themselves or a CCR core member. They will then be invited by the Director in consultation with CCR core members, with a three-year term. Current or potential future activities associated with affiliate appointments must be identified in the invitation letter. At the conclusion of a three-year term, an affiliate membership may be extended by the Director, in consultation with the core members.


CCR support staff members are academic or university staff employed in CCR who facilitate center activities by providing administrative and/or IT support.


Postdoctoral and students may join CCR if they so wish and are either supported or partially supported by an existing CCR core member, or advised or co-advised by a CCR member. The rights of these members will be determined by the membership status of their sponsored CCR members.


CCR may name an internal advisory council with a representation of faculty and staff to provide advice, planning and coordination for CCR activities. This board would include the Director and the Climate, People, and the Environment Program (CPEP) professor. The advisory council may assist in facilitating science communication and exchange within the center, promoting communications between the center director and other core members, while also consulting with the director in negotiating with administrators outside of the center.  


  1. CCR members will be provided administrative support and access to IT resources.
  2. CCR members will be provided office space to the extent possible, including office space for their funded students and post-docs.
  3. CCR members will be given governance rights to help shape activities within CCR and the Nelson Institute.
  4. In the case of limited resources, CCR core members will have a higher priority of institutional support.


  1. Core members are expected to include “The Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research (CCR)” as an affiliation on related publications, presentations, and public outreach activities.
  2. Core members are expected to submit announcements of relevant news coverage, honors and awards, and publications (submitted, accepted, and/or published) to the CCR IT Manager and CCR Director. Media interactions are expected to be coordinated with the Nelson Institute Office of Strategic Communications.
  3. Core members are expected to support administration and other activities for the Center and the Nelson Institute with their effort proportional to their funding through CCR and the level of institutional support provided to the individual by CCR.
  4. Core members are encouraged to attend the center’s academic seminars and administration meetings.
  5. Core members are expected to procure external research funding, with proposals submitted through CCR / Nelson Institute to the extent appropriate in light of their appointment across campus units, research program needs, and utilization of shared CCR resources. As part of the direct costs associated with CCR research, proposal budgets should include salary support for CCR IT and supplies at standard levels to be voted on by the CCR core members.

8.10.  BYLAWS

Any revision of these bylaws requires at least 50% of core members to cast a vote and at least two-thirds of these voters to approve the proposed revisions.

KeywordsNIPP, policies, procedures, center director, affiliate, post doc, intern   Doc ID111373
OwnerKate W.GroupNelson Administrative Hub
Created2021-06-07 14:02:47Updated2023-04-06 14:48:33
SitesNelson Administrative Hub
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