Topics Map > Committees

Energy Analysis and Policy Certificate Program Committee

The Energy Analysis and Policy Certificate Program Committee administers the certificate.


Certificate committees include six or more members, a majority of whom are Nelson Institute faculty or affiliate faculty members.

The committee chair is elected annually in spring by a simple majority vote of the committee members and serves subject to approval by the Nelson Institute Dean. Although elected annually, it is expected that an individual will serve in this capacity for three consecutive years. The chair is not compensated for this service.

By 15 September the chair will recommend to the Nelson Institute Dean the committee membership for the academic year. If the certificate or PhD minor is offered as a requirement of a current, externally funded grant, the principal investigator(s) of that grant may name up to three members of the committee.

Committee Members

Tracey Holloway, chair
Morgan Edwards
Andrea Hicks
Sarah Johnston
Bernard Lesieutre
Benjamin Lindley
Gregory Nemet
Jonathan Patz
Brad Pierce
Line Roald
Scott Williams
Paul Wilson
Steph Tai (ex-officio)


As administrative committees, certificate committees are not subject to the state’s Open Meetings Law. Individuals may contact the chairs for information about upcoming meetings.

The committees meet at least once each semester.

Keywordseap certificate committee committees grad graduate   Doc ID141179
OwnerEric K.GroupNelson Administrative Hub
Created2024-08-14 14:01:40Updated2024-08-14 14:04:19
SitesNelson Administrative Hub
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