SSFC Recommendations: UHS Fiscal Year 2020
Posted: 2019-03-11 12:15:19 Expiration: 2040-03-18 13:15:19
The Student Services Finance Committee unanimously voted against University Health Services' proposed budget for fiscal year 2020. Here are the recommendations that the committee will present to the chancellor later this semester.
- Hire 10 mental healthcare providers in FY 2020
- Given three
current openings, this will result in seven additional providers
($700,000 increase from proposed budget)
- Original
budget asked for only two additional providers
- Hire at
least one provider for survivor services
- Hire at
least one student of color focused provider
- Hire at
least one LGBTQ+ focused provider
- Ensure
that these providers are cross listed amongst these categories so that
LGBTQ+ students of color can be provided adequate support
- Increase the 101 Campus Fund from 1.2 million to 2
million beginning FY20
- Campus
financial support has been largely stagnant over the past 10 years
- As UHS and
mental health services have expanded, this funding has become a smaller
percentage of the overall budget, shifting the burden to students
- This
funding will cover additional providers and related expenses
- Remove arbitrary fiscal restraints imposed by the
- Constraining
UHS to one percent budget increases does not equip our campus with the
ability to adequately commit resources to the expanding issue of mental
- The SSFC
supports annual budget increases of up to seven percent in FY20
and beyond to invest in mental health resources
- A larger
budget increase may be approved by the SSFC, given UHS presents the
budget and proposed expansion plans before the committee
- Investigate reasoning for high staff turnover
- Immediately
begin a full review to better understand the high mental staff turnover
- This review
must result in an action plan by the end of the 2019 fall semester
- Possible
solutions: increase salary; introduce a graduated compensation plan;
improve work environment; alter hiring practices; consider developing a
more extensive partnership with recent UW - Madison graduates
specializing in mental health services
- This plan
must be presented to the SSFC
- Place a greater emphasis on shared governance and
student voices
- Increase
HCAC meeting frequency to twice per month
- Allot 25%
of the meeting time to address student concerns and solutions
- Present
preliminary budget to the SSFC in the fall semester - a practice required
by an MOU signed by the Chancellor, and a common approach taken by the
other large non-allocables
- Implement strict conditions on the VCSA’s Mental
Health Task Force
- The Task
Force must include multiple students and representation of ASM
- The Task
Force must deliver a recommendation for FY 2020 operations by May, 2019
- The Task
Force must deliver a long-term action plan by the end of the 2019 fall semester
- The Task
Force must consider the following issues:
- Acquire additional physical space
- Repurpose
the Environmental and Occupational Health space (up to 20 additional
- Collaborate
with Rec Sports to create a satellite location at the new Natatorium
- Begin
discussions with Campus Planning and Facilities to expand into
satellite offices around campus
- Embed
services into residence halls or individual colleges
- Extend appointment times (nights and weekends)
- Poll
students to gauge what times would be in high demand
- Incentivize
providers to work flexible schedules
- Implement
a trial period for at least one semester, report results back to
students via HCAC or SSFC
- Increase campus awareness of resources and better
identify at risk students
- Create a
mandatory Mental Health online program for incoming freshman; this
could include screening for at risk students and provide identity-based
resources for students
- Create
Mental Health trainings for faculty so that they are better equipped to
recognize and work with at risk students
- Research
outreach issues and the needs for mental health services targeting the
international student population
- Expand and develop supplementary programs
- Implement
more online/phone/group based services
- Expand
advertisement of and investment in Silvercloud program
- Study
successful approaches at other universities
- Create a
comprehensive advertising plan to ensure students know the available
resources and the appropriate steps to take
- Recruit a project manager to take charge of Mental
Health expansion
- Establish
long term goals for mental health services
- Creates
leadership regarding the implementation of the VCSA’s Mental Health
Task Force action plan
-- Associated Students of Madison: Morgan Grunow