News and Announcements

UWP1 is down. UPDATE

Posted: 2005-09-26 18:00:00   Expiration: 2005-09-26 18:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2005-09-26 18:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

UPDATE: Services were restored by 10:18am. (UWP1 is currently down. This affects Student Payroll, PVL, Point of Sale, ISIS, the DoIT HomePage, NetID account activations and passwords resets, and any system connected to this database. Our techs are working with IBM on a solution. No ETA at this time. We will update this news item as information becomes available.)

CHRIS Application (Production) ECCYCASH-E-Commerce Sales ECMSAER-WISC E-Commerce PVPVL-Position Vacancy Listings Full list of services affected by UWP1
CB-DoIT Catalog/CBS Interface
PYPAY-WARF Student Payroll
UWBA-UW Benefits Admin
DR-University Directory System
RH/RHUA-Housing/University Apartments
IDCRD-Photo ID Cards
IDSPA-ID Card Special Auths
PYAPBS-Appt, Payroll & Benefits
NICAC-Campus Assistance Center Housing Referrals
ASM Voting
Logread for ISIS & SFS
NOTIS archive of orders, billings and receipts
UDS Registry
IAA Infrastructure

-- DoIT Help Desk