News and Announcements

ISDEV Outage

Posted: 2001-06-08 09:11:36   Expiration: 2001-06-08 09:11:36

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-06-08 09:11:36. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

ISDEV is scheduled for a refresh on Monday, June 18th. ISDEV will be unavailable between Friday night, June 15th at 4pm until Tuesday morning, June 19th at 8am.

ISDEV is scheduled for a refresh on Monday, June 18th. ISDEV will be unavailable between Friday night, June 15th at 4pm until Tuesday morning, June 19th at 8am.

All of your requests to move projects to ISTST, export projects to files and/or save data must be sent to ISIS-MOVES by Thursday, June 14th at 4pm. These requests will be processed during the day on Friday. On Friday night, June 15th, at 4pm, ISDEV will be shutdown and deleted.

Please note: any changes to ISDEV made on Friday, June 15th will be lost. We will refresh ISDEV using a copy of ISTST made over the weekend backup.

-- Kathy Gleeson