News and Announcements

FY02 Timesheets

Posted: 2001-07-06 05:22:20   Expiration: 2001-07-06 05:22:20

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-07-06 05:22:20. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

As a temporary measure, the FY02 timesheets for classified, exempt, LTE and student staff are located on the shared drive at:

N:\doit\division\Timesheets FY02.

As a temporary measure, the FY02 timesheets for classified, exempt, LTE and student staff are located on the shared drive at:

N:\doit\division\Timesheets FY02.

These timesheets will be transferred to the "Forms" selection on the DoITNet homepage in the near future.

-- Linda Bollig, HR and John Smith, OE