News and Announcements

Biocomp unavailable Sunday, 09/23, 8-11 AM

Posted: 2001-09-21 08:00:24   Expiration: 2001-09-21 08:00:24

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-09-21 08:00:24. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

BioComp will be unavailable Sunday morning from 8 - 11 am to update the GCG data to 2001-5. Note that the system won't be down, just unavailable, so it will still be pingable

BioComp will be unavailable Sunday morning from 8 - 11 am to update the GCG data to 2001-5.

Note that the system won't be down, just unavailable, so it will still be pingable

-- Jim Winkle