News and Announcements

WiscWorld account activation unavailable

Posted: 2001-10-24 10:33:17   Expiration: 2001-10-24 10:33:17

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-10-24 10:33:17. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

All WiscWorld account activations will be unavailable between Wed, Oct 24th and Thu, Nov 1st. Confirm that the customer is in TH utility, create a case and escalate.

All activations of WiscWorld accounts will be temporarily unavailable between Wednesday, October 24th and Thursday, November 1st.

This is being done in preparation for the rollout of My UW-Madison to the rest of the student population.

If there is a need for an emergency account activation, call the Help Desk at 264-4357.

-- Annette Stratman