News and Announcements

Queue Changes for HDI

Posted: 2000-10-30 11:44:17   Expiration: 2000-10-30 11:44:17

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2000-10-30 11:44:17. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

With the new USS group, (formally I&R and CSM), come new queues to learn. Victor has laid these new queues out in the following message.

I'm sending this heads-up note in preparation for the phaseout of the I&R and CSM queues that will take place on Monday Oct 30.

As you probably know, these changes are being made as a result of the merger of the I&R (Installation & Repair) and CSM (Customer Systems Management) groups, into the so-called new group "USS" (User System Services).

This will all be under SS (Support Services), the same DoIT department that includes the Help Desk.

In preparation for the change, on Friday afternoon I set up the following NEW Clarify queues and associated notification mechanisms :

0-SS-USS Usr Sys Servics

  • This will replace the general I&R queue (0-SS-IR), as well as the 0-PS-CSM-ADSM, -Novell, -NT queues


  • This will replace the 0-PS-CSM-UNIX queue (since UNIX server cases will be going to Sys Operations instead of CSM)

    Further details will follow. After Monday, the current 0-SS-IR queue and all CSM queues will be phased out.

    Also on Monday, the Clarify "work group" of all I&R and CSM staff (currently "Installation & Repair" or "Customer Sys Mgt") will be changed to "User System Services".

    Joe Rodkiewicz will be making necessary changes in I&R's internal queueing structure ; this is normally invisible to the Help Desk since cases are only dispatched to the 0-level main queue.

    -- Victor Scherer