News and Announcements

Welcome Center Conference Room

Posted: 2011-05-10 12:44:45   Expiration: 2011-05-17 12:44:45

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2011-05-10 12:44:45. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Reservation Confusion

Kate Pierre from OHR requests that we let her know if anyone thinks they had a reservation in the Welcome Center conference rooms and they are not on the schedule.  There have been a few instances lately, and it was not an error with the calendar, the groups had actually forgotten to make a reservation. 

Just take town the group's name and e-mail and send Kate an e-mail.  Feel free to give out the reservation e-mail to the contact as well so they can be sure to book the room in the future. 

Welcome Center Reservations:

Kate Pierre
Logistics Coordinator
Office of Human Resource Development
190 Bascom, 500 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706
ph: (608) 263-6918
fax: (608) 265-5824

-- Visitor & Information Program: Katie Kruse