Instructors: Upcoming Workshops
Posted: 2012-08-15 10:00:00 Expiration: 2012-08-22 19:00:00
Free Learn@UW workshops for instructors and staff, August 21-22.
For full details and registration, please visit
Schedule of Events
(All sessions will be located in the Digital Media Center Classroom, 420 Henry Mall Room B1144.)
Tuesday, August 21, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Basic Overview of Learn@UW
This overview session will help instructors become familiar with how to setup and navigate a course site, how to create news items, and how to use Course Builder to set up a course's structure and add content (course materials).
Tuesday, August 21, 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Special Topic: Gradebook
This session will cover some best practices for gradebook usage including set up and use of grade schemes, hiding/viewing grades, releasing final grades, and getting grades from Learn@UW to the Faculty Center at the end of the semester.
Prerequisite: Attend Basic Overview session or some working familiarity with Learn@UW.
Tuesday, August 21, 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Special Topic: Online Discussions
This session will review the steps for creating discussion forums and topics, subscribing to discussions, associating groups and discussions, understanding available viewing settings, and using the Calendar tool to schedule discussions. There will also be a handout on (and hopefully time to discuss) facilitating productive online discussions.
Prerequisite: Attend Basic Overview session or some working familiarity with Learn@UW.
Tuesday, August 21, 3:00PM - 4:00PM
Special Topic: Quizzes and Exams
This session will cover creating quizzes, quiz questions (multiple choice, T/F, fill in the blank), randomizing quiz questions, setting up an availability range for quizzes, and using the calendar to schedule quizzes. We will also discuss why and how to implement quizzing through the course management system.
Prerequisite: Attend Basic Overview session or some working familiarity with Learn@UW.
Wednesday, August 22, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Overview of Learn@UW -- Basic
Repeat session of Tuesday's overview.
Wednesday, August 22, 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Special Topic: Gradebook
Repeat of Tuesday's session.
Wednesday, August 22, 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Special Topic: Media
This session will consist of a discussion of media options to use in Learn@UW (e.g. YouTube clips, other streaming media, iTunes U, etc.), some best practices for using those media assets, and how to receive individual assistance on media projects. There will also be a hands-on portion for how to insert media into our Learn@UW course site.
Prerequisite: Attend Basic Overview session or some working familiarity with Learn@UW.
Wednesday, August 22, 3:00PM - 4:00PM
Special Topic: Homepage/Navbar/Widget Customization
This session will cover some ways to edit your course site's layout, including how to add/remove Navbar links, arrange content on your course homepage, and how to create a widget and add it to your course home page.
Prerequisite: Attend Basic Overview session or some working familiarity with Learn@UW.
-- Learn@UW Mad: Jeff Bohrer