Reboot of backbone switches on Friday (03/21/03, 6-7 AM)
Posted: 2003-03-18 12:20:26 Expiration: 2003-03-21 21:00:00
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2003-03-18 12:20:26. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
The following backbone switches will be rebooted this Friday (03/21/03, 6-7 AM): animal, chemistry, peterson, vilas This will affect networks attached to these switches.
The following backbone switches will be rebooted on Friday (3/21/03, 6-7 AM): animal, chemistry, peterson, vilas
This will result in a 15-20 minute outage per location. All switches should be operational by 7:00am. The affected networks are listed below:
e-chemistry: SchwartzLab GLS-Psychology Zoology Zoology Research FP&M Mills FP&M Fleet FP&M Garage DoIT@30N.Murray FP&M Safety GLS-Chemistry GLS-Teacher Ed Psychology TeacherEd-Wireless Chemistry trunk Education_Bldg e-animal: LICFG-Enzyme FCCtoPyleCenter FP&M-Herrick SinglePort-Jorns Stock Pavilion Ag Engineering Lab Army ROTC-1910 LD Survey Ctr-1800 UA Housing-Eagle Bacteriology-Enzym SinglePort network 504Nwalnut-PrevMed 1900 Univ Ave Enzyme SIT-1800 Univ Ave AnimalScience Housing-Kronshage UW Foundation cals-cmil-Microsco ARCH Lab-Kronshage Natatorium Vet Med-Barb Ripp VetMed-wireless e-peterson: Humanities ESS hub-PetePlatfo 710-714 Univ Ave SOE - 432 N Murray Elvehjem-Art Hist Journal Chem Ed DoIT Staff at Ext. Bdgt Plan @ Pete DoIT Staff Network GLS @ Elvehjem 4thFlrPete-B.Scott DoIT Servers (.9) AcadSvcs-Peterson AcadSvcs-Fin Aids s-peterson21-1 e-ogg-resneti2 cssb380-2-resneti2 WiscnetEq@DoIT Pyle-H.323 e-vilas: GLS - Vilas SinglePort-Lot 46 Journalism Vilas Health Services Bus Sch-Grainger Vilas WHA LAN-priv 905 Univ-ACAD Bus Sch-Fluno Cntr Chadbourne-HousAdm s-graingrP142-w GLS @ Grainger WHA-TV Controller Barnard-HouseAdmin Lathrop Hall-SOE s-graingrP142-w
-- Network Operations Center