CBS Pop-Up Securtiy Warning After Java 7.45 Update
Posted: 2013-11-19 13:33:20 Expiration: 2013-11-30 13:33:20
Attempting to log into CBS after updating to Java 7.45 will prompt a security warning. Click "I accept the risk and want to run this application" and select run - the warning will not appear more than once.
RADS will be automatically updating CBS workstations to use Java 7.45 as part of their November
maintenance Tuesday, 11/19.
This shouldn't require any action by your part except when you use Oracle Forms for the first time.
You will receive a pop-up warning concerning security (see below).
Please click on the "I accept the risk and want to run this application" box and select Run.
You should have to only do this once for CBS Production.
This message related to the way E-Business Suite signs it's jar files and has been this way for years.
Oracle is having E-Business Suite installations change this model to accommodate the new Java security
restrictions in future releases. We will be compliant with this when that time comes.
-- DoIT Help Desk: Will Crickman