News and Announcements

UW-Madison Parking Application Logon Information

Posted: 2004-05-04 20:00:00   Expiration: 2004-05-29 20:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2004-05-04 20:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

UW-Madison employees need to go to the Parking Permit web site to apply. The My UW portal does NOT yet include access to parking. Here are login instructions.

The basic procedure:

  1. Logon to the Parking Permit web site at
  2. Follow the instructions on the web page. Select four lot choices you are willing to accept.
  3. Logoff and close the browser to ensure others do not access your account.
Login using your NetID and password:
  1. Go to the permit web site at
  2. Login using your NetID and password.
Login using your Campus ID and password:
  1. Find the Campus ID number. The campus ID can be found in the 2nd bullet point in the "To appy for parking you will need" section of the Parking Renewal e-mail. It will be listed if you have a newer UW campus ID Number (usually starting with a 901 or 902). If you have an old UW ID Card and old number/SSN, the email will contain the 10th digit only.
  2. Get the Password. The Parking Application web site is setup to e-mail it to the applicant (usually within minutes). At the parking application web site, the applicant will need to:
    • Select "login with your campus ID and password".
    • Enter the campus ID.
    • Click on the "Click here" link under "Forgot Password?" section.
  3. Go to the permit web site at
  4. Login using your campus ID and password.

-- My UW Portal