News and Announcements

New Variation of the Sober Virus Hits UW-Madison

Posted: 2004-05-16 20:00:00   Expiration: 2004-05-20 20:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2004-05-16 20:00:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

W32.Sober.G@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to spread itself. The subject of the email varies, and it will be in either English or German. The email sender address is spoofed (fake).

As of 10:15 (05/17/04), all the WiscMail, WiscMail Plus, MadMail and AVGate dependant systems have a new Network Associates anti virus engine and are scanning emails removing Sober.G worms. Sober.G volumes are not nearly as large as some of the worms we have seen in the last couple of months.

Messages contaminated by Sober.G delivered to customers prior to 10:15 Monday, May 17, 2004, continue to be a threat to desktops if opened, but can no longer be transmitted using WiscMail.

Symantec is aware of this virus and has released updated virus definitions (as of 05/14/04) available for download using Live Update (Instructions).

For instructions on how to use Norton AntiVirus as an instrument to rid your computer of the W32.Sober.G@mm virus, click here.

As always, if you ever see e-mails with attachments from senders that you do not recognize, it is best that you are very careful before opening them. If you have any questions or comments on ridding your computer of the virus and/or protecting your computer, feel free to call us at (608) 264-HELP (4357), or, e-mail us at

-- DoIT Help Desk