News and Announcements

Campus Network Outage 03/27/01

Posted: 2001-03-26 07:57:34   Expiration: 2001-03-26 07:57:34

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-03-26 07:57:34. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

There is a scheduled campus network outage planned for tomorrow morning, March 27th, from 4:00 am until 7:00 am. This outage will affect all off-campus connections.

There is a scheduled campus network outage planned for tomorrow morning, March 27th, from 4:00 am until 7:00 am. This outage will affect all off-campus connections.

DoIT Network Services is planning to swap in a new campus peering router. We've tested the new router as much as possible within our lab environment. If for some reason the new router will not work, the 'old' router will be reinserted within the outage 'window'.

We apologize for these interruptions, and the late notice. We're working to make the network even better, and accommodate increased network usage.

-- Brian Rust