Canvas automated user load changes
Posted: 2017-11-03 13:32:35 Expiration: 2018-01-17 14:32:35
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2017-11-03 13:32:35. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
Use account updates/additions will now occur once a day at 11:00 PM, instead of hourly.
Due to the process used to import user records into Canvas, user accounts may be deleted if a user’s university record is deactivated or modified (such as if someone un-enrolls from the university). Re-adding these users to Canvas can be problematic. Experience has shown that not all of the user’s Canvas enrollments may be reinstated or that their learning activity will be consistently restored.
The method used to import user records is being adjusted to prevent accounts from being deleted in Canvas. This adjustment significantly increases the time required to run the user import process. Consequently, user records will be processed only once overnight, rather than hourly, as had been the case in the past.
As a result, users activating NetIDs will be able to access Canvas the day after activation, instead of on the same day. Enrollments and un-enrollments from a specific course (as opposed to UW-Madison overall) will not be affected and will continue to be processed every four hours.
Concurrently, DoIT Academic Technology is working on a change from the once-daily user import to a real-time user record import, which is anticipated to be put into place sometime during the 2018 calendar year.
-- Learn@UW Mad: Dale Johnson