AEFIS - Updates for Version 3.32
Posted: 2018-06-21 14:41:43 Expiration: 2018-09-26 20:41:43
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2018-06-21 14:41:43. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
Our next AEFIS upgrade will occur on Monday, June 25 between 8pm-12am. Our AEFIS server will not be available during the upgrade; however, if someone tries to connect, a message will display regarding the maintenance window.
The upgrade will include two major changes to the functionality of Survey Templates:
- The Survey Template name is seen by students and instructors, the Survey Schedule is only seen by you, which is the exact opposite from spring evals. Please make sure the survey schedule names make sense to students completing evaluations. If you have survey schedules set to run every term, you can unpublish and rename, then publish so all are correct for Fall Evaluations. (While editing the schedule make sure to read the last bullet about changing the survey admin in case that also needs updating.) The only way to correct summer evaluation schedule names is to create new survey schedules.
- Survey Templates can be deleted – even if a template has been used, it can be set to inactive and not show unless filtered specifically for inactive status. I am the most excited about this feature because we can start to clean up all the old templates. You will be able to delete survey schedules starting sometime this fall. Go to Survey Template > Manage > click Actions and choose delete. If the template is tied to data it will automatically be set to inactive. If there is no data tied to the template, the template will be deleted.
This upgrade will move us to 3.32 (installing two versions) and also includes the following new feature and bug fixes:
- Course Section Trend Analysis Report Question order - the export will show the questions ordered in the manner they were listed within the survey form when it was being completed.
- Exporting Reports - an Invalid Parameters error was showing that prevented Course Section Trend Analysis and Course Evaluation Analysis reports from being exported. This error has since been resolved to allow them to run correctly again.
- Ability to select "Next 50 results” for reports - you will notice that you can select 1-50, 51-100, etc. easily from the white box used for selection.
- Added Ability to change Survey Administrator – this feature is only needed if you replaced a previous department admin. If so, you will want to update the survey schedule so that you are sent the notification emails. Go to Survey Schedule > Details, select the blue hyperlink "Edit Administrator" located above the currently listed admin to edit the survey admin. The survey schedule must be un-published into DRAFT status to complete this action.
-- Learn@UW Mad: Angela Terrab