News and Announcements

KNOWN ISSUE: Kaltura CaptureSpace Requires NEW Download

Posted: 2018-08-28 16:06:27   Expiration: 2018-09-04 16:06:27

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2018-08-28 16:06:27. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.


We have upgraded to Full Kaltura CaptureSpace (previously CaptureSpace Light), which adds a great deal of new functionality.

[Training and documentation on these new features will be available soon!]

Users who attempt to upload media using the old CaptureSpace Light Desktop Recorder will experience an error where uploaded media is associated with their old UserID, and therefore unavailable to the User. If you happened to experience this issue, please submit a ticket to Learn@UW-Madison Support so that we can re-associate your media correctly. 

Reinstalling CaptureSpace from MediaSpace will resolve this issue and enable the exciting new features of Kaltura CaptureSpace (full).

Download CaptureSpace


  • Download CaptureSpace by selecting the appropriate link below:

-- Learn@UW Mad: James Vlisides