Remote Access to NMRFAM Resources (Network & Spectrometer Computers)
1. Connect to the Biochem VPN
To ensure the security of your data and our infrastructure, NMRFAM uses a VPN to maintain a secure connection between individual users and our facilities. To access the Biochem VPN and NMRFAM resources, you must have an Wisc Account (NetID). Please follow the steps below to obtain a NetID and connect to the Biochem VPN. If you already have a NetID, you can skip to step 1B.
1A. Obtain a Wisc Account (NetID)
i) Obtain a Wisc Account (NetID):
External collaborators may be provided with NetID access upon request. Please contact to request NetID access.
ii) Set up the Wisc Account:
You will receive an e-mail with a link and instructions on how to set up your NetID. Follow these instructions to set up your NetID.
iii) E-mail your NetID username to NMRFAM IT:
Please e-mail with your NetID account username.
1B. Connect to the Biochem VPN
i) Download and install the GlobalProtect VPN client:
Instructions for how to download and install GlobalProtect are detailed in the following link. Follow the "Install" tutorial appropriate for your operating system. WiscVPN GlobalProtect - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect GlobalProtect VPN.
ii) Connect to the Biochem VPN:
Instructions for how to establish VPN connection using GlobalProtect are detailed in the following link. Follow the "Connect" tutorial appropriate for your operating system, but replace all instances of "" with "". WiscVPN GlobalProtect - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect GlobalProtect VPN.
2. Access NMRFAM Resources (Network & Spectrometer Computers)
Once you are connected to the BiochemVPN, you can connect directly to the NMRFAM network or directly to a spectrometer computer. Please follow the instructions under step 2A to access the NMRFAM network, and please follow the instructions under step 2B to access a spectrometer computer.
2A. Access the NMRFAM network
Please follow the steps below to connect to the NMRFAM gateway server through gateways gw1 or gw2.
i) SSH into the NMRFAM gateway server:
In an open terminal window, type the command below, replacing "NetID" with your NetID username:
ii) Press enter, then type your NetID password when prompted. This should establish your connection to the NMRFAM network.
2B. Remotely Access an NMRFAM Spectrometer Computer
i) Start a VNC session on the spectrometer computer:
A staff member will set up a VNC session from the spectrometer computer. NMRFAM staff will then provide you with a "session number" for the spectrometer. Usually this number will be 0, 1, or 2. (examples: fleckvieh:1 or dexter:0).
Please contact the NMRFAM staff member you are working with if you do not have a VNC session number.
ii) Connect via a VNC Client appropriate for your operating system.
Please follow the steps detailed in the tutorial appropriate for your computer's operating system.
Access the VNC server from your Windows computer (temporary link)
Access the VNC server from your MacOS computer (temporary link)
Access the VNC server from your Linux computer (temporary link)
ii) Once you can see the desktop for the spectrometer computer you are working on, you can run the spectrometer remotely.