Remote Access to NMRFAM Resource
1. Accessing the NMRFAM network
A. Wisc Account
To access the NMRFAM network, you must have an Wisc Account (NET ID), if you already have, you can skip for step 2.
i) Geting a Wisc Account (NET ID)
NMRFAM IT can invite you as external collaborator, giving you access a Wisc Account, please contact
ii) Setup the Wisc Account
You will receive a e-mail with a link and instruction to how setup you account, choose your username and follow the steps until finish
iii) Send your NEW Wisc account to NMRFAM IT
Please contact:
B. Connect to the BiochenVPN
To ensure the security of your data and our infrastructure, NMRFAM uses a VPN to maintain a secure connection between the two parties. To access the VPN, follow the steps below:
i) Download and install Global Protect VPN
WiscVPN - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect
ii) Connecting to biochem VPN.
To connect to Biochem VPN, use the tutorial on step i, but every time they use "" you should use ""
Now we can access NMRFAM Network.
C. Connect to the Gateway Server.
To access our servers you will need SSH, for Linux and Mac system, this is pretty standard. On Windows computer you will need a console, so you can you WSL PuTTy, MobaXterm
once you have your console just type: ssh or ssh
Now you are on NMRFAM Network. Welcome.
2. Remote Access to NMRFAM Computer
After be able to access NMRFAM Network, you can request access to remote spectrometer or a remote computer, to be able to achive that you will need a VNC Session started, a VNC Client and tunnel through gw1 or gw2. Let's breakdown on steps.
a) Request access to the spectrometer/Computer
First you will have to request access to spectrometer or computer, to do this, you will need to ask the nmrfam staff who are assisting you. They will create a VNC session and send you a password. This password will be used only during the final step of the connection in the remote session.
b) Get a VNC Client.
There's several vnc client available for free, such as Tiger VNC VIewer or Real VNC Viewer chose what fit you better, download and install.
c) Tunnel
First, remember, you have to be connected to the biochem VPN, for more instructions how, go back to step 1-B.
Now there's 2 ways to access, first one is open a new terminal in your local computer and use command: vncviewer -via <username> <spectrometer> now the first password will be you NETID password, after that a vnc window will popup asking you for another password, that will be the VNC password, you setup got at step 2-a
Your second option is open a new terminal and use the command ssh -L 5900:<spectrometer> <username> will ask for your NETID password after that let this terminal open. Go to your VNC Client and at the address enter localhost:0 and press enter a vnc window will popup asking you for another password, that will be the VNC password, you got at step 2-a
A new windows will appear with the desktop of the spectrometer or the computer.