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Adding a Course to the Noncredit Website

adding, course, noncredit, website, noncredit website, CSIS, DCS website

Requirements for a course to have a page on our website with online registration:

  1. Must have all the necessary information in CSIS including a course name, description, dates & times, registration fee, instructor name, etc. Program Directors need to work with their program support staff or support staff supervisor so that these details can be entered into CSIS. To provide support staff with the required information, please use the CSIS Instructional Form Request. 
  2. Technical requirements (use for troubleshooting): To troubleshoot errors or issues, Program Directors should seek the assistance of the program support staff or support staff supervisor. Listed below are the processes that need to be completed prior to a course appearing on the DCS website. 
    • The CSIS curriculum and instance must be “Department Approved”. 
    • The CSIS curriculum and instance must be “Marketing Approved”. 
    • The CSIS curriculum and instance must both have “Include in Online Catalog” checked. 
    • The USI registration link must be set up and “active” in USI. 
    • Instances of courses will no longer appear on the DCS website unless one of the following criteria are met: 
      • Late registration (i.e. accepting online registrations on the first day of the course and beyond) is set up in the program data section of CSIS. 
      • Ongoing registration (typically used for self-paced online courses) is set up in the program data section of CSIS. 
    • If the CSIS instance is using a “Go Live Date”, that date must be today or in the past (i.e. not set as a future date). 

If all the conditions above are confirmed, there may be a technical issue. The program support staff should seek consultation from their supervisor, and then it can be reported to and/or (depending on what may be causing the error).

KeywordsInvoicing, custom, custom contracts, contract, speaking engagements   Doc ID108027
OwnerLiz N.GroupDivision of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
Created2020-12-22 10:54:51Updated2020-12-22 11:05:45
SitesDivision of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
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