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HRS Access Guide - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Support Options
This document answers common questions related to HRS, EPM, and UWBI access. New questions are added as common issues are identified.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The below questions about HRS access are brought up often. Please be sure to check these questions before contacting the OHR HRIS team for support.
How do I check the status of a request or view previous requests?
Use the View a Provision Request section to look up any requests.
If you're checking a specific request you can search for that request's Form ID directly, which can be found in the request emails. Otherwise you can search by other fields, including Requester (employee ID of the person who submitted the request), Empl ID (employee ID of the user), and Department ID. For best results when not searching for a specific request, use the Form Status and Request Status fields. Requests still in progress can be found by setting Form Status to "Pending". Requests that were completed, denied, or pushed back can be found by setting Request Status to "Completed", "Denied", or "Recycled", respectively.
Access note: all HRS approvers should be able to use View a Provision Request, but people set up only as requesters might not. To add access to View a Provision Request for a requester, email the OHR HRIS team.

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How do I check someone's current access?
Currently, using New Provision Request is the best way to check a user's current access, even if you won't be requesting any changes. The Old Row Security Perm. List field shows the user's current row security value and you may select the View Employee Roles link to check the user's current roles.

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Select image to enlarge - image will open in new tab.
Someone unexpectedly lost their access because of a job change - can I see or request the access they used to have?
No - HRS does not keep historical records of access over time so there is no way to look up someone's previous access once it is removed. Use this guide to help you determine the appropriate access to request for the user's work needs. You may also check the current access of someone in a similar position.
Can't find the answers you need in this guide? Email the OHR HRIS team and we'll be happy to help you out!