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HRS Access Guide - Comments

This document provides an overview of the HRS Access Guide - a series of KB documents providing guidance about HRS access for UW-Madison users, including requesting access, finding training, and fulfilling security requirements.

This document provides guidance for requesters and approvers about entering comments to ensure timely processing of requests.

Comments are required for all requests. Comments explain the rationale for the request so it's easier for division and OHR approvers to determine what the user needs to do, if the requested access is appropriate for that work, or if the requested access could be revised to be more appropriate and efficient.

Comment considerations

  • Indicate which templates were used and if any roles were added or removed.
  • If template was not used, provide a brief explanation of why not.
  • If the row security level is greater than the user's appointing division, provide a brief justification for why the user needs to access data outside their division.
  • If submitting Remove Security, explain why roles are being removed. (Remember that Remove Security requests do not need to be submitted to remove someone's access when their position ends!)

Keywordsoracle, peoplesoft, human resource system, epm, uwbi, obiee   Doc ID119678
OwnerCatharine D.GroupHR COP
Created2022-07-14 10:58:10Updated2024-07-16 11:37:11
SitesHR Communities of Practice
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