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JEMS Job Changes - Entering Changes

This document walks you through the process of making job changes in JEMS.

[Doc 18151 content is unavailable at this time.]

    Procedure At–a–Glance

    Category: Academic Staff, Faculty, Limited Appointees, Student Assistants, Post Degree Training appointments
    Audience: Department and Division staff who request changes to a position and job data
    Overarching Process:
    Jump to Procedure Steps (below)
    Jump to Related Policies/Job Aids (below)

    General Description:

    This document covers how to complete and review a Job Change Request in JEMS. The JEMS Job Change Request feature is an optional tool that may be utilized by decentralized divisions. Please refer to your division to find out if your division utilizes this tool.

    This document lists the steps for how to:

    • Enter a Job Change Request
    • Propose a Change to Job Data - Change Details
    • Review the HR Contact for the person who may be contacted about the appointment
    • Review Comments associated with an individual change request

    The JEMS Main Menu

    JEMS Main Menu - Job Change

    Description of buttons for Job Change



     Job Change Request

     Click the Job Change Request button to start a new job/or employee change request

     My Job Change Basket

     Click the My Job/Employee Change Basket button to see the employee job change records requiring your attention

     Exit System

     Click the Exit System button to exit out of the system

    Find Person/Job Tab

    When you click the Job Change Request button, the below screen will appear. The first step is to find the employee you are submitting the JEMS Job Change request for. Use the steps below.

    JEMS Job Change page

    Steps for Searching for Jobs Change Request





     Search for the employee

     Start with searching for the employee you are making the JOB change request to using the Empl Id, first name, or last name


     Click search button

     Clicking the search button will search HRS for the existing employee


     Select the employee

     Select the box next to the record to which you want to create the change request for


     Click modify button

     Click the modify button to complete the change request

    Completing the Job Change Request

    The next step is to enter in the job or position data change request. Use the steps below.

    Add modify change tab

    Steps to Complete the Job Change Request
     Step  Description
     1  Make sure you have the correct person and employee record number by verifying the person summary information in the top left section of the screen
     2  Click on the magnifying glass button to select the change type

    Selection of Change Type

    Steps to Complete the process (cont)
     Step   Description
     3  A pop-up window will appear. Select the appropriate change from the drop-down list (options should include job and position data changes).
     4 Click the OK button to close the pop-up window. 

    Enter Effective Date

    Steps (cont)
     Step   Description
     5  Enter in the effective date of when you would like the change to go into effect.
     6  Enter in the appropriate justification (explanation) for the change into the justification field. These justifications are created by staff that are authorized for the department or division (only users with the proper UDDS authorization are able to view the justification section).
     7  Select the action reason by clicking on the magnifying glass button
     8  Enter in the proposed change
     9  Click save/close

    *The Add Change feature is used if you are adding more than one change in a JEMS job change request. 

    To the top

    Add/Modify Change(s) Tab

    If multiple changes have been requested, change details will need to entered for each change type. Click on each line to highlight it before following the below steps.

    Change Details Screen

    Steps (cont)
     Step  Description
     10  Click the Change Details button to bring up the "Propose Change to Job Data" screen.
     11  On the Propose Change to Job Data screen, click the magnifying glass button on the action reason link and select the appropriate reason (some changes will not have a reason available - leave these blank).
     12  Complete the change detail section by clicking on the magnifying glass button and choosing the appropriate option.
     13  Click the save/close button

    *The changes that are requested will automatically populate onto the Position and Job Tabs. These tabs are not modifiable; if a correction needs to be made before submitting the Job Change request, these changes must be made on the Add/Modify Change(s) tab.

    To the top

      HR Contact Tab

    This tab stores information about one or more people who may be contacted about the appointment (multiple additional contacts can be added).
    HR Contact Tab

      Steps to Add HR Contact Information
       Step  Description 
       1  Click the add contact button to modify the detail for selected contact section. Select whether the contact is the primary or additional contact. 

      Primary Contact- The primary person to be contacted regarding the appointment is required. 
      Additional Contact- Name of an additional contact (optional). Examples of people you could add as additional contact include a funding or benefit contact (changes may affect funding or benefits).
       2  Enter in the information for the contact and click the done button.

      Last Name - Contact last name
      First Name- Contact first name
      Address- Address is not a required field
      Phone- Area code defaults to 608. Manually enter the phone number, including a dash between the third and the fourth number e.g. 263–2511.
      Email Address- email address of the primary contact is required.
       3  Click the add contact button to add another contact.

        Comments Tab

      This tab is for comments associated with the individual change request. These comments are created by staff who are authorized for hire. Only users with the proper UDDS authorization are able to access this tab. Those who have access to the tab can view all comments.

      • Also listed on this tab are reports from the HRS Processing Log.
      • Existing comments are displayed in order by create date with the most recent comment on top.
      Comments tab

      Directions to add/update/delete comments
       Button  Description
       Create a Comment  Click the add comment button and type the comment into the detail box
       Update a Comment  Place a cursor on the comment record you wish to change in the first half of the screen (the background color of the record will be dark red) and click the edit/view button.
       Delete a Comment  Place a cursor on the comment record you wish to delete in the first half of the screen (the background color of the record will be dark red) and click the delete button.
      *Only the person who created the comment may update or delete that comment. 

      Status History Tab

      The data on this tab is not modifiable. It displays the history of statuses that a particular change has had. Anyone with update or view access can view the status history of the appointment. The statuses are displayed with the most recent status on the top line by status effective date.
      Status History tab

      Possible Statuses:

      • Draft
      • Entered
      • Department Approved
      • Division Approved – Sent to HRS
      • Finished – Entered In HRS

      Related Policies/Job Aids

      KeywordsMadison, departments, divisions, appointment, classified, unclassified, job change basket, modify job, change type, comment, training, JEMS   Doc ID15164
      OwnerCaitlin R.GroupHR COP
      Created2010-09-28 19:00:00Updated2024-06-28 09:33:27
      SitesHR Communities of Practice, UW–Shared Services
      Feedback  0   0