Faculty Senate Minutes 2020-04-20

Minutes approved May 4, 2020

20 April 2020


Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the online meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. with 175 voting members present (113 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Neil Ford (Faculty Document 2881), Professor Emeritus Louis Maher (Faculty Document 2882), and Professor Emeritus Crawford Young (Faculty Document 2883).

University Committee Chair Terry Warfield continued the practice to take a moment to reflect on one sentence of the Our Shared Future plaque at each senate meeting.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank thanked everyone for their flexibility in switching to online courses and operations so quickly. The University is very engaged with the larger community during the COVID 19 pandemic offering advice and expertise, doing essential research, and responding to the social and environmental impact. But the impact of the pandemic crisis on finances is not good, and there is much uncertainty about the future, especially if students don’t return in person in the fall. At the request of the Board of Regents, UW-Madison will be looking at furloughs. The campus was on sound financial footing when the pandemic crisis started which left reserves in the short term, but it will not be enough. There is also great news: 4 students received 2020 Goldwater Scholarships, a junior has been named a Truman Scholar, 13 faculty members have been awarded Distinguished Teaching Awards, the 4 Hilldale Award recipients have been announced (although their formal recognition will be delayed until the fall), and two faculty have just recently received 2020 Guggenheim Fellowships.

Professor Terry Warfield (University Committee, District 120) reminded everyone that faculty committee elections end April 20. Results will be announced at the May 4 Faculty Senate meeting.

Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims presented an update on the state of diversity and inclusion on the campus. His presentation focused on these areas/initiatives: REEL Change framework process; #IamUW student sharing movement; 2019 Diversity Forum; the creation of AAPP/EDR offices (Affirmative Action Planning and Programs/Employee Disability Resources; TOP (Target of Opportunity) program; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts; SIC (Student Inclusion Coalition) activities; Afro-American Studies 50th anniversary planning; a review of the structure of the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement (DDEEA); the Student Campus Climate Survey that will be conducted in fall 2020; addressing xenophobic messages regarding Asian and Asian American faculty and staff (related to COVID 19); and Affinity Group gatherings.

There were several comments and questions for Chancellor Blank and Chief Diversity Officer Sims, which they addressed.

The minutes of the March 2, 2020 meeting were approved by consent.

Professor Emerita Ann Hoyt presented the annual report of the Ombuds Office for the Academic Year 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2884). They expect to see an increase in cases that involve hostile and intimidating behavior (HIB) in the coming year. She asks that everyone read the HIB guidelines, share them widely in their departments, and that faculty take the HIB trainings. There were a few questions for Professor Hoyt, which she addressed.

Professor Alfonso Morales (Planning & Landscape Architecture) presented the Immigration and International Issues Committee Report (Faculty Document 2885). He reported that the Supreme Court upcoming decision on DACA may impact current students, faculty, and staff. The Supreme Court has agreed to receive a supplemental brief regarding DACA recipients and their efforts to fight COVID-19. There were no questions.

Professor Joe Salmons (GNS/Jewish Studies/Linguistics, District 59) presented the Information Technology Committee Report for 2018-2019 (Faculty Document 2886). There were no questions.

Professor Warfield discussed next steps for Faculty Policies & Procedures changes regarding promotion to the rank of full professor (Faculty Document 2879). The first reading was last month. He moved approval. Second was not required because it came from the University Committee. He recommended tabling to the October Faculty Senate meeting. Motion to table passed.

Professor Warfield also presented Faculty Document 2887, which proposes adjusting the deadline for semester grades to be submitted 72 hours after the last exam on the last exam day, rather than 144 hours after the exam for the course as is current policy. This would assist students and administrators in a number of ways. Instructors may ask for an additional 72 hours. There were several questions and comments which were addressed by Professor Warfield and Registrar Scott Owczarek. The University Committee will take these questions and comments into consideration when working on the next version, which will be brought to the May 4 Faculty Senate meeting for a vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 pm.

Heather Daniels

Secretary of the Faculty



Keywordsshared governance document   Doc ID101835
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2020-05-07 16:49:05Updated2023-12-07 17:58:41
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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