University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-05-11

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 5/18/2020
University Committee Minutes for May 11, 2020
Approved May 18, 2020

UC members present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
Also present, besides those mentioned below: Michaela Aust, Greg Bump, Michelle Felber, Amol Goyal, Kevin Jacobson, Yvonne Kim, Kristyn Masters, Jack O’Meara, Lauren Papp, 
Jane Richard, Ian Robertson, Cole Roecker, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler

Chair Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:32 pm. 

Sandgren moved to approve the University Committee minutes for May 1, and May 4, 2020 with one correction. Seconded. Approved. 

The University Committee discussed writing a statement to UW System President Ray Cross and the Board of Regents in reaction to the Blueprint plan presented by President Cross last Thursday. 

Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School, said that a department asked for one year of graduate faculty status for an academic staff member after they retired. The University Committee agreed, for this case and in the future, as long as there is a standard approval process. He also gave an update on the instructional continuity committee for graduate education for the fall semester, which will submit a report in early June to go to the Chancellor and then the Deans and Provost. 

Karl Scholz, Provost, commented on the many unknowns surrounding the UW System Blueprint plan. He reported that campus is expecting the Wisconsin Supreme Court to strike down the Safer at Home order, although the Dane County Executive could extend it. Regardless, certain campus operations will be opened, such as those that cannot be done through distance technology and have a low transmission risk. 

For fall, it seems likely that large courses won’t be held in person. They are particularly discussing ideas to provide clinical and lab courses, which are very difficult to do remotely. Other topics of discussion include room usage, cleaning protocols, and flexible calendar dates and times. An important part of planning for the fall includes instructional design, providing resources for instructional delivery, and assessment of learning. 

UW-Madison extended its admissions deposit deadline until June 1 for about 800 undecided students. Fewer international students are expected to enroll. 
The new Vice Provost for Academic Operations will be Jennifer Noyce. Interviews are scheduled for the finalists for the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and the Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff.

Sandgren moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss appointments. Seconded. Passed at 2:36. 

Wolf moved to convene in open session which was seconded at 3:11 when Chair Warfield adjourned the meeting. 

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID102217
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2020-05-19 10:56:31Updated2022-05-12 11:27:07
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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