WiscWeb - Resend Notifications from Gravity Forms
This document will cover the process of reviewing Gravity Forms entries and re-sending notifications through the interface.
In this document:
Users of Gravity Forms may find themselves in need of re-sending the notifications that are generated out of the system. Such reasons could include generating a reminder to entrants or an entrant requesting the information be sent again for their own records.
Review existing Gravity Forms entries
You are able to access existing entries that have been submitted via your Gravity Forms by following these steps:
- While logged in to your site dashboard, hover your mouse over the Forms menu option on the left and choose Entries.
- Within the Entries section, click on the dropdown at the top of the page to choose the form you would like to review.
- The list that appears will contain all entries made for this form. You can review the entries, delete them, or update them as necessary.
Resend notifications
To resend notifications, follow these steps:
- Place a check mark in the entries that you wish to resend notifications for.
- Click the Bulk Actions drop down and choose Resend Notifications from the list.
- Click Apply
- In the next screen, you can choose which notification to resend (if you have created more than one). Place a check in the correct notification(s).
- You can also override the email address that the notification will send to at this point, if you want these notifications to go to a different recipient.
- You can also override the email address that the notification will send to at this point, if you want these notifications to go to a different recipient.
- Once you have made your choices, click the Resend Notifications button.
- To create a Gravity Form, please refer to WiscWeb - Using the Gravity Forms Plugin.