Onboarding Checklist - Supervisors - All New Employees - First Week

The Supervisor of a new employee should complete a set of tasks within the new employee's first week of employment as part of their onboarding experience.

There will be differences in how some of these tasks are executed. It is up to the discretion of the supervisor to determine how best to work through these tasks. 

Please work through this list in order. Access information by clicking each panel. If you have any questions contact hr@extension.wisc.edu

Required Tasks

First Week Meeting with Supervisor

Applicable To

All new employees


Supervisors should meet with their new employee (preferably face-to-face) towards the end of the first week.


  • Discuss progress on first week tasks
  • Schedule any regular or recurring meetings (i.e. a biweekly check-in)
  • Confirm understanding of process to request leave time such as vacation
  • Confirm your and the new employee's communications preferences
  • Review the performance evaluation process
  • Schedule 30-Day Conversation with new employee
  • Answer any questions the new employee might have

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Questions? Contact hr@extension.wisc.edu

Verify Completion of Required First Week Tasks

Applicable To

All New Employees


All new employees will have one or more first week onboarding checklists to work through with required and recommended tasks.


Verify that the new employee has or will complete (or receives assistance they need) all required first week tasks (and any other outstanding required tasks).
All New Employees

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Questions? Contact hr@extension.wisc.edu

Contact Email List Administrator(s) to Add Employees to Email Lists (If Necessary)

Applicable To

All New Employees


  • Extension has several centrally-managed email lists.
  • Many of these lists are auto-populated with data from the Human Resources System (HRS).
  • Some lists, however, are manually managed and the supervisor will need to contact the list administrator to make sure that the new employee is added (e.g. Area lists)


Lists that are NOT auto-populated (Supervisors should work to add new employee)

Email Lists - Area, Zone & County Support Staff Lists

  • New county-based employees will need to be manually added to the Extension Area Lists by the list administrator.
  • Please provide the list administrator with the new employee's NetID.

Lists that ARE autopopulated

Supervisors should only work with the list administrator to add their new employee to the following lists if they will not be auto-populated on the list (e.g. secondary program affiliation).

Get Help

Questions? Contact hr@extension.wisc.edu

KeywordsFirst Week Meeting Supervisor Tasks   Doc ID103019
OwnerNathaniel S.GroupExtension Handbook
Created2020-06-12 10:41:00Updated2024-02-19 11:38:01
SitesExtension Handbook
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