Applying for a grant from a cloud provider

Applying for a grant or credits from a cloud provider

Applying for a grant or credits from a cloud provider

Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have grant programs that may allow you to receive credits to subsidize your AWS, GCP, or Azure use.    These are in addition to discount programs such as [Link for document 109813 is unavailable at this time] and discounts available through our UW negotiated contracts.
References to the vendor programs are listed below, so that faculty and staff can explore the programs and assess their interest in pursing them.  
*** However, in order to have any credits you receive correctly applied to your project (and not UW costs as a whole) we strongly recommend coordinating with the cloud team as you begin the application process.***  You can do this by reaching out to the cloud team by email and share your plans and specific cloud grant information.

Cloud Grant Information

UW Contracts & Discounts

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

Commonly Referenced Docs:

UW Madison Public Cloud Team Events Online Learning Classes for Cloud Vendors What Data Elements are allowed in the Public Cloud