Research - Receiving a Grant Award

When an agency or organization decides to provide funding for a research project, that triggers steps in the award setup process. There are several requirements that must be in place for the university to accept a grant award on behalf of a researcher.

Receiving a Grant Award

Depending on the agency or organization, notification of a grant award may be sent to the Principal Investigator or to the authorized organizational representative (AOR), which is most often a business officer in RSP (Research and Sponsored Programs Office).

If notice of the award is sent to the PI, notify the SoHE preaward (Sarah Marcotte) and postaward (Sherry Huhn) research administrators right away. Award setup is coordinated by preaward research administrators in Divisions and at RSP and requires coordination with the PI to ensure the funding is not delayed.

Steps Involved in Award Receipt and Setup

  1. PI and SoHE research administrator review award terms.
  2. An Award Modification request is sent to RSP by the research administrator, via RAMP.
  3. The Notice of Award is loaded to the RAMP record with revised budget, if needed.
  4. RSP will review the award and process and Award Modification to the Department to complete all necessary details.
  5. Any protocol compliance requirements must be in place (i.e., IRB approval for human subjects research).
  6. SoHE will submit the completed Award Modification request to RSP, to completes award setup.
  7. Award receipt to setup typically takes 1-2 weeks. Setup can take longer if there are outstanding IRB approvals or terms requiring negotiation.

Preaward to Postaward Transition

Once an award is set up and a fund account has been established, expenses can be incurred and contracts can be put in place for any services, consulting, etc.

Sherry Huhn is the primary contact for researchers who need to hire study personnel, make purchases, book travel, establish contracts, pay study participants, etc. as part of the activities of a grant award.

Additional Resources

RSP Agreement Negotiation Resources

RSP Award Setup Resources

award setup postaward grant negotiation 
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Sarah M. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology