Hiring - Recruitment - Pre-Recruitment - County Educator/Admin Support Position

Hiring Managers should work through the necessary pre-submission conversations prior to initiating the recruitment of a County-Based Educator position. These conversations will not only keep the Institute and Program in the loop, but will also be a time to receive input on the position description and to determine a position's FTE.


Who are Hiring Managers?

The following positions are considered to be county educator hiring managers:

  • Area Extension Directors (AEDs)
  • Assistant Deans (backup hiring manager)

What Employee Classifications can be Hired?

  • Academic Staff
  • University Staff

Who can Hire which Positions?

Hiring Manager(s) Position Type Classification
AED, Assistant Dean 4-H Program Educator Academic Staff
AED, Assistant Dean [Program} Program Educator Academic Staff
AED, Assistant Dean [Institute] Extension Educator Academic Staff
AED, Assistant Dean [Topic or Program] Associate Extension Educator Academic Staff
AED, Assistant Dean Administrative Operations Support University Staff

Which Approvals are Needed?

Position Type Approval #1 Approval #2  Approval #3  Approval # 4 
4-H Program Educator Hiring Authority (if different than Supervisor) Chief Financial Officer Extension Human Resources DLT Representative
[Program} Program Educator Hiring Authority (if different than Supervisor) Chief Financial Officer Extension Human Resources DLT Representative
[Institute] Extension Educator Hiring Authority (if different than Supervisor) Chief Financial Officer Extension Human Resources DLT Representative
[Topic or Program] Associate Extension Educator Hiring Authority (if different than Supervisor) Chief Financial Officer Extension Human Resources DLT Representative
Administrative Operations Support Hiring Authority (if different than Supervisor) Chief Financial Officer Extension Human Resources DLT Representative

Instructions - Pre-Submission Conversations

Review the pre-submission conversation(s) for the position you are recruiting for. You will find information regarding who to contact and what information you will be discussing with them. If you have any questions, please contact hr@extension.wisc.edu.

4-H Program Educator (Previously Coordinator)

Make sure to have these pre-approval conversations up front to work on the position description, determine the position's FTE, and obtain preliminary approval from DLT to move forward with the position. This will likely involved collaboration via email, Zoom, Teams, and scheduled meetings. Please budget sufficient time for this portion of the process.
  1. YFH Associate Dean
    • Are we refilling the position?
    • In which institute will the position be refilled?
  2. Positive Youth Development Institute Director
    • Funding information for RTF
    • Primary Program Affiliation
    • Collaborate on drafting PD
  3. DLT Approval
    • DLT needs to review and approve every base-funded position prior to submitting to ASU.
    • This approval will ultimately be captured when the position is being approved by the Assistant Dean prior to submitting to ASU. 
  4. County Partner
    • Have internal discussions first and then external, recognizing that based on county partner meeting schedules and practices, some of the input may be received prior to internal discussions.

[Program] Program Educator (Previously Coordinator)

Make sure to have these pre-approval conversations up front to work on the position description, determine the position's FTE, and obtain preliminary approval from DLT to move forward with the position. This will likely involved collaboration via email, Zoom, Teams, and scheduled meetings. Please budget sufficient time for this portion of the process. 
  1. YFH Associate Dean
    • Are we refilling the position?
    • In which institute will the position be refilled?
  2. Institute Director
    • YFH Institute Director
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
    • ANRCD Institute Director
      • Are we refilling the position?
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
  3. DLT Approval
    • DLT needs to review and approve every base-funded position prior to submitting to ASU.
    • This approval will ultimately be captured when the position is being approved by the Assistant Dean prior to submitting to ASU. 
  4. County Partner
    • Have internal discussions first and then external, recognizing that based on county partner meeting schedules and practices, some of the input may be received prior to internal discussions.

[Institute] Extension Educator

Make sure to have these pre-approval conversations up front to work on the position description, determine the position's FTE, and obtain preliminary approval from DLT to move forward with the position. This will likely involved collaboration via email, Zoom, Teams, and scheduled meetings. Please budget sufficient time for this portion of the process. 
  1. YFH Associate Dean
    • Are we refilling the position?
    • In which institute will the position be refilled?
  2. Institute Director
    • YFH Institute Director
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
    • ANRCD Institute Director
      • Are we refilling the position?
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
  3. DLT Approval
    • DLT needs to review and approve every base-funded position prior to submitting to ASU.
    • This approval will ultimately be captured when the position is being approved by the Assistant Dean prior to submitting to ASU. 
  4. County Partner
    • Have internal discussions first and then external, recognizing that based on county partner meeting schedules and practices, some of the input may be received prior to internal discussions.

[Topic or Program] Associate Extension Educator

Make sure to have these pre-approval conversations up front to work on the position description, determine the position's FTE, and obtain preliminary approval from DLT to move forward with the position. This will likely involved collaboration via email, Zoom, Teams, and scheduled meetings. Please budget sufficient time for this portion of the process. 
  1. YFH Associate Dean
    • Are we refilling the position?
    • In which institute will the position be refilled?
  2. Institute Director
    • YFH Institute Director
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
    • ANRCD Institute Director
      • Are we refilling the position?
      • Funding information for RTF
      • Primary Program Affiliation
      • Collaborate on drafting PD
  3. DLT Approval
    • DLT needs to review and approve every base-funded position prior to submitting to ASU.
    • This approval will ultimately be captured when the position is being approved by the Assistant Dean prior to submitting to ASU. 
  4. County Partner
    • Have internal discussions first and then external, recognizing that based on county partner meeting schedules and practices, some of the input may be received prior to internal discussions.

Administrative Operations Support

Make sure to have these pre-approval conversations up front to work on the position description, determine the position's FTE, and obtain preliminary approval from DLT to move forward with the position. This will likely involved collaboration via email, Zoom, Teams, and scheduled meetings. Please budget sufficient time for this portion of the process. 

  1. Assistant Dean 
    • Collaborate to determine position's FTE and begin to draft the position description.
  2. DLT Approval
    • DLT needs to review and approve every base-funded position prior to submitting to ASU.
    • This approval will ultimately be captured when the position is being approved by the Assistant Dean prior to submitting to ASU. 
  3. County Partner
    • Have internal discussions first and then external, recognizing that based on county partner meeting schedules and practices, some of the input may be received prior to internal discussions.

HR Recruitment Position Approval County-Based Educator Coordinator Support Staff 
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Nathaniel S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook