Engage - Exploring the Order Tool [UW-Madison]

There is a common set of user interface elements across the Order Tool. These elements are described in this document.

Interface elements in the Order Tool are different depending on the type of user you are. For more information on the roles (also called profiles) available in the Order Tool, please review this document.



The Header is always visible in the Order Tool. 

For instructors and course coordinators, it provides access to the Navigation menu, the Catalog, the My Account page, the Help page, and the User menu. The Catalog includes a full list of available materials, including filters to narrow the search.

Header (instructor view) for order tool is displayed

For students, the Header provides access to the My Account menu, the Help page, and the User menu.
screenshot of student header is displayed

Navigation menu

The Navigation menu is the main method for accessing different functions in the Order Tool. 

For instructors and course coordinators, it provides access to the Order Tool's two main features:

Screenshot of navigation tool displayed with "order" highlighted

For students, it provides access to two important features: 

Student view of nav menu is displayed

Help page

The Help page displays a page within the Order Tool that describes general information about ordering periods and who uses the Order Tool. For students, it describes general information about Engage, fees, and the student choice period.

User menu

The User menu describes the highest level of application permissions for the current user. In addition to describing application permissions, users may also update their Gravitars and log out from this menu.

Screenshot of user menu displayed here


The footer provides links to information about Engage and where to go for assistance.

Screenshot of footer with links displayed as described in paragraph