How to Share Post Meeting Content from Webex Assistant with Others in Cisco Webex Meetings

If you hosted a meeting that used Webex Assistant for Meetings, the highlights are available on your Webex site after the meeting ends. If you recorded the meeting, the transcript and recording are also available on your Webex site. You can share this meeting content with others.

Getting Started

Share content with all participants and attendees

On your Webex site, go to Preferences in the left navigation bar.


Select the Scheduling tab.


Select the check box next to Automatically share the meeting highlights, recording, and transcript with meeting participants and invitees and allow them to make edits.

Select from a list of participants and attendees


Go to Meetings in the left navigation bar, then select the Completed tab.

Completed Meetings

Locate and select the meeting.

If you want to change the name of the meeting and recording to something more descriptive before you share it, click Press to edit the meeting, make your changes, then click Press to save your changes. Make sure that the Make recording topic match new meeting topic check box is selected, then click Yes.


Next to the meeting topic, select Send highlights, then click Select people from participants and invitees.

Meeting Content

Select the check box next to each person with whom you want to share the meeting content, then click Select.


Click Share.

Enter email addresses


Go to Meetings in the left navigation bar, then select the Completed tab.


Locate and select the meeting.

If you want to change the name of the meeting and recording to something more descriptive before you share it, click Press to edit the meeting, make your changes, then select Press to save your changes. Make sure that the Make recording topic match new meeting topic check box is selected, then click Yes.

Next to the meeting topic, click .


To share the content with participants and invitees, click Select people from participants and invitees. Otherwise, enter the names or email addresses of the people with whom you want to share the content.

Share Options

Click Permissions, then select Viewer or Editor to specify whether each person can view or edit the content.


Click Back.


(Optional) Enter an introductory message to include with the email.


Click Share.

KeywordsWebex, share meeting content, webex assistant, assistant, share meeting content with others, share, how to share   Doc ID108308
OwnerShawn T.GroupCisco Webex
Created2021-01-13 11:29:53Updated2021-01-13 11:32:10
SitesCisco Webex, DoIT Help Desk
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