University Committee Meeting Minutes 2021-10-25

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 11/01/2021

Minutes for October 25, 2021


UC members present: Halverson, Papp, Sandgren (chair), Tejedo-Herrero, Thibeault

Others present besides those listed below: Michael Bernard-Donals, Michelle Felber, Lesley Fisher, John Horn, Matt Mayrl, Jane Richard

Chair Sandgren called the meeting to order at 1:30.

The minutes of the meeting of October 18, 2021 was approved by consent.

Karl Scholz, Provost, discussed the University Academic Planning Report. UAPC approved 94 actions in regards to academic programs and units. They met federal requirements on credit hour definition and voted to begin leveling an additional surcharge on undergraduate students with an excess of 180 credits. They worked on student learning assessment and are launching a course learning outcomes project. Provost Scholz is now serving on the UW System Presidential Search and Screen Committee and asked the University Committee what characteristics they were looking for in the next president.

Grant Nelsestuen, chair of the University Curriculum Committee and Michelle Young, Academic Planning and Institutional Research, presented the annual report for the University Curriculum Committee. They reviewed about 600 courses last year, which was slightly less than previous years. They also have a working group looking at cross listings. 

Beth Meyerand, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs, reported that the cluster hire program is going forward with Round 4 this year. There are still some openings from earlier rounds of the program. The TOP program has hired 38 faculty so far. Proposals are being judged by the strength of the mentoring plan and impact of the scholarship for schools/colleges. They are also taking into account success rates of attracting candidates to accept offers and looking at the number of TOP hires within a school/college compared to its size. There is one more year of the TOP program in 2022-23, and then it is slated to end.

Sandgren moved to convene in closed session; it was seconded and approved at 3:07.

Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session; it was seconded and approved at 3:38.

Chair Sandgren adjourned the meeting at 3:50.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID114661
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2021-11-03 13:52:23Updated2023-07-05 15:41:51
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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